CHAPTER FOUR: Confessions

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Tweek's POV

"Hey guys!" Suddenly, a brunette with a red and blue jacket appears along side a black, curly haired guy with a purple sweater.

"Hey." Tolkien says.

I didn't expect them to come here. Don't they have football practice today?

"Why are you guys here?" I ask Clyde and Tolkien. I look over to Craig who has an annoyed look of his face. He looks scary.

"Football practice got cancelled, so we wanted to stop by and say hi," Tolkien explains. "Clyde wanted to see what you two were up to." Clyde nods.

I really wanted it to just be me and Craig, but it'll be rude if I tell them to go away. I don't want them to be mad! They both sat down at the table. Me and Craig sat next to each other, while Clyde and Tolkien sat across us.

Clyde started rambling on about something he saw earlier.

"Me and Tolkien were playing Call Of Duty and you'll never guess who I saw making out!" Clyde does these motions with his hands as he talks. Not going to lie, but he's got my attention. This is usually 6th to 7th grade talk, but it is interesting. "It was Pete Thelman, one of the goth kids, and Mike Makowski, one of the vampire vids, making out! I almost screamed!"

"He literally was. He stopped breathing for 10 seconds." Tolkien added. Well, that was a surprise. Me and Craig's face was filled with shock. Never thought Pete and Mike would end up together.

"On the subject of gays," Wait what? Is he going to come out? I thought he was straight. I didn't know he was into guys! "2 out of 4 people on this table are gay!" Is he trying to be sly or something? Because I know me and Craig are gay. Guess it means that Clyde isn't gay. And I kind of already knew Tolkien was straight. He could be aromantic and asexual, but I don't know. I don't wanna assume though!

"I'm not gay, Clyde isn't gay either, but I know Craig is gay," Tolkien says. I didn't know he knew Craig was gay. Maybe Clyde told him. "So does that mean Tweek is also gay?" Tolkien looks at me for an answer.

"Yeah, he's gay like me," Craig answers. "It's not like we're dating though."

"That's nice, congrats Twe-" Tolkien gets interrupted by Clyde.

"We never said or asked if you guys were dating!" Clyde loudly states. Oh God, what is he trying to do!?

Craig goes a little red and flips Clyde off. 

"Aww, Craig's blushing! You totally like Tweek!" Clyde says teasing the boy with the blue chullo hat. He winks at me and continues to tease Craig. Why did he wink at me? Is he trying to get me and Craig together? Oh gosh, that's too much pressure. Clyde pokes Craig's cheek, annoying Craig. "You totally wanna get in his pants!" Clyde is smirking widely. Woah, a little too far, man. And I doubt that's even true.

Craig's face goes even redder. Is he angry? Oh God, I don't want to be a witness of a murder! Especially in my parents' coffee house.

"Just because it's true doesn't mean you have to say it out loud, dumbass!" Craig snaps. My face goes as red a Kyle's hair. Excuse me, what? Craig's expression turns into horror, like he had JUST realised what he said. His face basically screams 'oh shit'.

I'm at a loss for words.

Everyone is.

Silence spreads across the table. Me and Craig's faces are a deep red colour from the blush. No one dared to say a follow up.

"Well, uh, me and Clyde will get going now-" Tolkien finally breaks the silence. "See you guys later!" The boy with the purple sweater drags along the brunette out the doors leaving me and Craig. God, this is awkward...

Once Clyde and Tolkien were out of sight the table goes back to silence. The atmosphere is so thick you can cut through it. Oh Jesus, did he really mean that? This is so stressful. I mean, now I know that he likes me, but I don't think I wanted to know in that way.

"About what I said before.." Craig says interrupting the awkward silence while turning his head to me. Oh God. "Look.. I-" I don't think he knows what to say. He's being pretty awkward right now, but at least he's speaking. "Tweek.. I like you. Like more than a friend. More than a best friend. I really like you. For about a year now, and I didn't want to ruin our friendship.." 

I start tearing up, not because of sadness, but of happiness. I smile at him. "I really like you too, Craig." His eyes widen and a smile spreads across his face. He's definitely happy.

"Can I kiss you?" He says, his eyes wandering to my lips. I blush and nod. We're actually going to kiss. Oh God, this is so much pressure. This is my first time actually kissing someone. How does it work? I hope I don't do something stupid. What if he hates the kiss? Oh jeez. He leans in and I do the same. Our lips connect and Craig puts his hand on my cheek. We both pull out for air and stare into each other's eyes. His eyes are beautiful as always. The gold mixed with a bit of green calms me. We kiss again, but this time it's a little longer. A warm feeling fills my stomach. 

"So, does that mean we're boyfriends now?" Craig asks. That's such a stupid question, but I can't help but laugh at it a little.

"I guess it does." I say smiling. We hold hands and decide to leave the coffeehouse and take a walk in the neighbourhood. This has probably been the most relaxed I've ever been in my entire life. We head to our houses and say bye to each other.

I walk into my house and up to my room. I drop down onto my knees right after I shut the door. I can't believe me and Craig are together now. I could burst. I'm so happy right now, words can't express how happy I am.

Craig's POV

I walk into my house feeling happy. Tweek actually likes me back. I never thought we would end up together. I punch the air with excitement. I don't think I've ever been happier. I run up to my room and fall headfirst onto my bed. Tweek really does like me back. I go onto my phone and change the name I gave Tweek on messages.

Tweek 💚

Yep, I'm definitely changing that to something more romantic. What do you even do in a relationship? It's not like I've been in one before.

Honey 💚

That's more like it. It seems stupid to use pet names already, but I don't give a fuck. I smile at my phone and turn it off going downstairs.

"What's got you so happy, Craig?" My Dad asks. I don't hate my Dad, but sometimes he gets on my nerves. All of my family does.

"Nothing." I respond.

Tricia - or Ruby, which is her nickname - walks downstairs staring at her phone. She also asks me why I'm so happy. I just flip her off as an answer and she does the same.

Today has been the best day ever. I can't wait to see Tweek again.

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Andd that's a wrap.

Hope you're enjoying the story so far! Literally dying from lack of motivation rn- Oh well-

What's next since they've already gotten together?
Is Craig showing who he really so far?
When will we get to see the real Craig?
Read the next chapters when they're finished, dumbass /j

Hope you enjoyed the story :]

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You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2022 ⏰

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