one ೃ༄

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AYATO AISHI buttoned up the last few buttons on his black uniform before taking one last look in the mirror, pools of midnight black staring back at him, raven hair sprayed across milky pale skin. He was often told he was a spitting image of his mother, told often he was what could be called a cold beauty, beautiful, of course, but far away.

He then twisted the doorknob to his room and walked out to the kitchen, the melodic tune of his mother's hum echoing through the halls.

Ayato saw her softly swaying in the kitchen, facing toward the pot that was boiling in front of her. He must have made some sort of noise, because his mother had turned around and gave him a warm smile, handing him a bento.

"I made something special today! It's your first day at your new school!" She said happily, bringing her hand to her cheek as she reminisced about her school days.

"I remember my first day, though I didn't feel much I knew that this year would be the year I would find him, where I would find my Senpai! Oh, I can't wait for you to find yours, honey."

"Yes, I look forward to it too," Despite his monotone voice and blank expression, Ayato was indeed looking forward to it, this is where his mother found her soulmate after all, and all he wanted was to feel complete.

"Mhmm, well, you better get going! You don't want to be late, do you?" she said before ruffling his hair and sending him off.

"Oh! I forgot the mention, that Osoro is waiting for you outside! Hurry along then!" His mother had called as he slipped on his shoes and walked out the door.

True to his mom's word, Osoro was quietly leaning on the wall, eyes closed, his signature resting bitch face evident.

Osoro was Ayato's childhood friend, meeting in kindergarten and soon becoming close. Both of their mothers became friends, which resulted in frequent play dates. They soon became close, and even though they parted ways in high school, having gone to different schools, they remained in touch and were close.

"Osoro..." Ayato had mumbled, but it was enough to catch the blonde's attention. Osoro opened his eyes, eyebrows furrowing, even more, as he scratched his head.

"What took you so long? Had to wake up extra early for ya, ya know?"

"Sorry...I was getting ready." Ayato responded, aloof as ever. Osoro stayed quiet, inspecting Ayato's eyes before huffing.

"Yeah, whatever, c'mon let's go," Osoro said, bringing his arms behind his head, and started to walk off.

Ayato caught up, and they started walking to school in a familiar and comfortable silence.

"You...You didn't have to wait for me you know, I know you usually go to school late, I could have gone by myself." Ayato said, eyes still on the path.

Osoro looked over to him, hands still behind his back, before turning away, a faint growing blush on his cheeks.

"Yeah, well, I-uh, I wanted to take you there, to be there for you on your first day," Osoro's voice wavered, unsure of the words that came out of his mouth. Ayato noticed this but brushed it off.




"Thank you."

"Y-Yeah, whatever."


They had finally made it to the school gates, stopping as Ayato took a good look.

'This is it, this is where I am going to find them.' Snow white walls and pink cherry tree petals falling, painted a beautiful scene.

Unbeknownst to Ayato, seeing the school's number one troublemaker actually at school, on time and standing in front of the school gates with a mysterious stranger, pretty close and surprisingly not on the verge of beating them up.

"C'mon," His train of thought was broken by Osoro's voice, leading him to the lockers.

When they arrived, Ayato looked down on his paper to see his locker number and made his way there. He put his stuff in his locker, Osoro standing behind him like a guard dog.

Again, Ayato was oblivious to this, as well as the distance people kept around him and the growing whispers in the halls.

Osoro, however, was not as oblivious and dense as his childhood friend and did notice the thick layer of tension.

"Hey, we should go now, c'mon, I have something to show you." Ayato nodded and followed Osoro, still oblivious to the gossip that the whole school would know by the end of the day.

Osoro has led him to the side of the building, to be what Ayato assumed was the incinerator.

There was a group of delinquents, with messy (yet slicked back?) blonde hair all standing in a circle.

"Hey, boss!"

"Who's this?"

"Why ya here so early?"

"Want us to beat them up?"

Osoro scoffed, "Back off." The delinquents immediately went quiet.

Ayato simply tilted his head at the scene. Osoro had told him that he had gained a...Following, after one day after school Ayano opened the door only to find a bruised and bloody Osoro, who only said "The other guys looked worse,", but he didn't expect it to be like this.

"This is Ayato, my uh... Childhood friend."


"You have friends?"

"Awh? Boss getting soft?"

"Fuck off." Osoro said, a light blush blooming on his cheeks.

The bell interrupted the teasing (much to Osoro's relief).

"Ah, I should go now," Ayato said.

"Yeah, Yeah, go ahead, I'll stay here for a bit."

"Okay, bye Osoro."

"See ya."

A/N: That's the first chapter :) I hope you enjoyed it! Tell me if you liked it or not, any constructive criticism is welcome! Also, do you think I should keep the whole delinquents calling Osoro boss? Should they call him something else? or should they just call him Osoro?

Anyway, that's the first chapter, I hope you enjoyed it :D! 

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