two ೃ༄

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AYATO STEPPED INTO CLASS only to be met with everyone already seated, all eyes on him.

"Ah, just on time. As I was saying, we have a new student." The teacher gestured for him to come to stand next to her.

"Introduce yourself."

"I am Ayato Aishi, I came from Shōrai Academy, and I hope to get to know you all," Ayato said politely before bowing.

"Welcome Ayato, hmm let's see... You will be sitting next to... Osano Najimi."

An orange-haired boy sitting in the back row put his hand up. Ayato just nodded and made his way to his seat, sitting down and started listening intently to the teacher.

Ayato didn't feel the burning stares his classmates bore into him, word got around quick after all. All sorts of rumours have already started.

"Today, we are starting a new subject. This will include a project which will be done in groups of threes." Everyone started whispering, already deciding who their partners would be.

"However, I'll be choosing."

A unanimous groan erupted in the class before the teacher started listing the groups.

"Uekiya Engika, Kaga Kusha, and Midoriya Gurin. Then Fureddo Jonzu with..."

Everyone started getting up, shuffling to their groups.

"And then lastly, Osano Najimi, Kizano Sunobu, and Ayato Aishi. However, since Kizano is currently not at school due to an injury, you two will have to work together for now. Don't worry though, Kizano will be back soon enough and will come and help with the project."

Ayato turned to the male beside him and started to have a conversation about the project.

Well, what could barely be called a conversation considering it was just Ayato asking questions and Osano immediately muttering a quick "Y-Yes!" and "O-Of course!"

And despite contrary beliefs, Ayato wasn't clueless about social cues and people's emotions. Yes, it took him longer to pick things up and he often dismissed or flat out ignored and did not notice certain things, but Osano wasn't really being discreet (despite his many efforts trying to seem nonchalant).

"Do you want to do the project on him?" Ayato asked, eyes still glued to the paper in front of him. Osano's reply was immediate, nearly cutting him off like he had an answer before even hearing Ayato's question.

Ayato stilled, then turned around to face Osano which caused the orange-haired boy to subtly flinch back.

Ayato tilted his head at this, before leaning in closer, nose nearly touching.

"Are you alright?"

A bright blush flushed across the boy's cheeks, almost immediate, before stuttering.

"Y-Yeah!" Ayato, still not convinced, pressed on.

"Are you sure?"

Osano's cheeks once more somehow got impossibly brighter, before looking away.

"I–uh, I heard apparently you are Osoro's right-hand man in his gang." What.

"I am not part of Osoro's gang?" Osoro doesn't even have a gang unless you count those delinquent yes-men he has.


"Osoro is my friend, he just wanted to be there with me on my first day of school."

"Oh..." Osano froze, going pale, before blushing once again this time out of pure embarrassment (he should really get better at hiding that).

"I'm sorry!" Osano apologised.

"It's okay, I can see why people made that assumption, Osano is my childhood friend, he really isn't as bad as you people make it," Ayato said before turning back to his work.

Osano started working with him soon after, the atmosphere was better this time, calmer. Osano found that Ayato wasn't all that he seems.


Class ended, and everyone hurried to rush out of the door, Osano went to pick up his books and got up to the door, but before he could Ayato called his name.



"Your hair, it looks nice like that, cute." Osano practically turned it into a blaring red light, his face completely red, "Y-Yeah, thanks whatever." he said before he bolted out the door.

Out of Ayato's eye vision, a bright red Osano leaned on the wall outside of the door, hand on his chest as it would stop the loud thump of his heartbeat.

'Shit...' He thought.

A/N: I have a lot of trouble trying to portray Ayato. I'm trying to keep the fact that he doesn't feel emotions but also trying to give him a personality, bc you know, he needs a personality. In this story, I've decided to make it so he's very blunt and dense, not easily picking up social cues as he doesn't have any of his own. I've also made it so his bluntness comes across as him just being dense and a lot of people find him to be very aloof, which some might find endearing. If you have any criticisms please give them I'm desperate I have no idea how to portray him lmfao. It's probably OOC but hey, I'm trying to make an interesting story here lol.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2022 ⏰

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