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i've booked an appointment with a dr. rasmus for a week from now. he works in the same place mike's therapist does, and he has good... reviews? is that what you call those? either way, it'll be interesting.

ben, beverly, richie and i went on a double date today. i'm not sure it really qualifies as a double date, but i'll count it as one. we went bowling.

(i took pictures)

it was really quite fun. as it turns out, richie is absolutely horrible, and i have quite a knack for bowling. who knew that kissing him in public would feel so fucking fantastic. i got goosebumps up my spine the first time he kissed me after i bowled a strike. 

so, beverly and ben know. 

they weren't really even that surprised when richie kissed me. beverly cheered, but that was about it. on par for us, i suppose. it makes sense. i mean, we did tell them all that we were going on a roadtrip. might as well have been going on a honeymoon.

afterwards, we all sat in beverly's benz with the roof off and talked while parked on a nice hill with a lovely view. it didn't really feel real. i'm lucky to have such good friends. 

i hope i get to keep them for the rest of my life (that is not a wish to die early, god, that is a wish to keep them into old age, you spiteful fuck!)

one year : stozierWhere stories live. Discover now