5. It's a date! Sorta.

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Yessir writing a new chapter after months of doing nothing 💪😎


Jirou: "A movies fine. By the way, call me Kyoka, okay, Y/N?"

Y/N: "Yeah.."

Kyoka: "Just promise you'll walk me home after."

Y/N: "You have my word."

You replied as she scoffed and walked with you to the theater, chatting about yourselves, getting to know each other better. 

Kyoka: "This is such a lame and basic question, but what's your favorite color?"

Y/N: "Uh... I don't know. If I had to pick one, it'd probably have to be (favorite color)."

Kyoka: "Oh, yeah, it's pretty good. Mine's purple, obviously..."

Kyoka said as you chuckled.

Y/N: "What's your favorite food?"

Kyoka: "I don't really have a favorite, either. But I'll give you a basic answer. Ramen. I like it, but I can't think of anything so... You?"

Y/N: "I don't know either. I usually eat tater tots and chocolate a lot, because that's what my quirk likes best... I like seafood a lot, though."

Kyoka: "Bleh. I can't stand seafood. The texture of it, and it's always wet in some way..."

She shuddered.

Y/N: "Hey, don't yuck my yums-"

You couldn't even finish saying as you laughed.

Y/N: "I'm sorry, but if you ever hear me say something like that again, I won't you to punch me as hard as humanly possible."

You said as Kyoka laughed.

Kyoka: "Okay."

She agreed, smiling.

Kyoka: "So, what's it like back in America?"

Kyoka asked as you groaned.

Y/N: "So tiring... Constantly being hunted by villains and the press. Getting hit over and over again. Just constant bullshit really. And don't even get me started on the people there. My god, they average on an IQ of 4."

A/N: It's okay, I can say this because I'm American. RAAAHHHHHHH 🦅🦅🦅

You replied as Kyoka giggled at your response.

Kyoka: "Well I was gonna say maybe you should take me there someday, but I guess it's not worth visiting..."

She said, smiling.

Y/N: "I guess it's not all that bad..."

You said as Kyoka laughed.

Kyoka: "Guess you'll just have to take me there sometime and show me what it's like. Maybe fight a few villains."

Y/N: "Definitely not the villain part. I'm sorry, but they would kill you without hesitation."

You said as Kyoka overdramatically gasped.

Kyoka: "Are you saying I can't handle myself? Oh, I get it. I need a big, strong, man to protect me, huh? Because I'm just a dainty, hopeless girl."

Kyoka teased as you shook your hands quickly.

Y/N: "No, it's nothing like that-!"

You insisted as Kyoka interrupted you.

Kyoka: "It was a joke. I was teasing."

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