The Second Letter

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Boris looked at the letter. He felt happy that Theo wished he was there with him. He opened the next one. "Hi Boris! It has been one month and one week/37 days since I left. I'm really starting to miss you but I left some vicodin under your bed in a small yellow tin that says. 'Popchyk' I hope you find it before your dad does. Has my stepmom come looking for me? I hope not I wouldn't be surprised if she didn't. Anyway Andy fell on some ice someone dropped today while I was walking him home. He broke his wrist so I'm not gonna be able to see him for a few days. I learned something in Russian for you yesterday! Я люблю вас. I think you can figure it out for yourself what that says. Anyway how's Navda? Hopefully your ok. I keep getting excited when someone knocks in the door, I think it's you, but when it's not you I get sad and disappointed, almost mad even. I want you here, I need you here. I miss you. It feels weird without you here. Please do what you said you would do. Follow me. Please, I need you. I have to go. Bye Boris.

-любовь Theo

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