Asahi Vs Brother

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Hamada Asahi has a brother.

Half brother, they both have the same mother but different fathers. It's not a big deal though, it's normal these days. He wasn't sad about it either, his dad bought milk in the store one day and didn't come back (His mother told him that). Which is good, because his mom learned to be independent and took the family business by that time.

Anywho, Asahi's brother is called Kanemoto Yoshinori. Currently 21 years old. A brief description of him is, Mother's clone (according to Asahi's words). He likes music, he's outgoing, mature and responsible. A perfect description of an uke.

Yoshi will drill him on the ground once he hears Asahi say that last part.

But throughout their time together, not once did his brother had a romantic connection to anyone.

It's weird, isn't?

Asahi felt happy for him but envious, how could he be so.. sturdy? Is that even the right word? Asahi admires Yoshi for that.

Yoshi gets to be himself, he's not bound to the rules too much. Unlike Asahi, who's a plot magnet everywhere he goes.

Asahi constantly wondered how. How could his brother control his own destiny? Or does he even control it? Asahi realized Yoshi plays as an adviser. Therefore, having an atmosphere similar to anyone's relative. He discovered it while hanging out with Yoshi and his friends (back in Japan). He saw how his brother effortlessly spit out words of wisdom as if it's his native tongue. Yes it kinda is, but to boldly phrase it with quotation marks. Asahi finally understood why his brother is immune to the principle of this world.

Asahi wants the aura his brother emits. Even though people vent their problems to Yoshi, having less flag, less personal problems. Besides a few words will do and they will leave him alone.

He is living the life Asahi wanted for himself. To other people it might sound sad, but to Asahi, it sounds perfect. Too good to be true.

Given that they are brothers, of course Asahi tried convincing his brother they are living in a lie. To Asahi's demise, Yoshi's reaction was a pat on his back and words such as "I understand you're in that age, Sahi-ya. Instead of thinking about that, invest your time at studying" Asahi knew there's no way to convince anyone they are living in a fictional world. So, he called it a day and let his brother think he is an oddball. He was not gonna waste his time explaining things without proof.

Yoshi never brought up that topic again. His brother took it too lightly.

So when Yoshinori announced he'll leave for Korea, Asahi wanted to stop him because he will not be under Asahi's surveillance anymore. Yoshi might meet some bastard that will break his heart in that place. Though Asahi was cold outside, he still feels the need to protect his older brother, he wants his brother to continue living as himself and decide who he loves, unlike him who's constantly getting pushed to some random guy.

But a few years has passed, Asahi realized he was just being paranoid, his brother didn't found anyone for the past 2 years. He tried asking his brother about 'friends, he casually replied their names and told Asahi "They are nice people, but if i'm found dead, It's one of them". Yoshi is still Yoshi.

Also that's one of the reason why Asahi thought being outside Japan will make a difference. Now he heavily sighs by just thinking about it.

It's now 9am; Saturday, Yoshi is known to be punctual. They decided to meet at 9:20 am in Asahi's new apartment then wander around the city for an hour or two.

Hearing his doorbell, Asahi stood up from his couch and opened the door. It revealed a masked Yoshi with a paper bag. Yoshi rose the bag and shook it. He looked dumb.

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