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Josephine laughs as Sirius and James continued to mess with Remus. Peter was by her side laughing at the three. The book on Josephine's lap was long forgotten as they laugh. Today was the first day of their last year in Hogwarts.

"So, after today. Our little prongslette here," Sirius started as he sat down next to her and hang his arm around her shoulder. "Will be the Head-Girl. How are you feeling?"

Josephine rolled her eyes and pushed his arm off. "Well, if you still think I'm going to bail you every time you get caught, I won't. But, still pretty excited," she chuckled at them watching the scenery change.

"Pretty excited that you'll have an excuse to snog with me?"

James was quick enough to hit Sirius in the head with the book Josephine held. "Oi! That's my sister you're talking about, Padfoot!" James glared at him. Josephine rolled her eyes for the tenth time this hour. Though, she was glad that both she and James are closer ever since the Tri-Wizard Tournament. She shuddered at the thought.

Sirius raised his hands in defense with a sly look. "Hey, don't blame me! Josie is the most good-looking girl in Hogwarts, especially the most wanted one. Moony liked her too!"



'This is going to be a long ride.'

Josephine fixed her collar for the fifth time, looked at the mirror, and adjusted her pin. "You got this Josie. You got this." She whispered to herself before staring back at the mirror only to see a reflection of herself in a dark abyss. There was green fog around her.

Out of instinct, she took out her mirror. There was no problem, she was allowed to use magic anyways, seeing she was at the age where the trace from her wand is gone. But, who is she defending herself from?

Like in a trace, she turns back to face the mirror only to see there was no reflection and a hand was slowly reaching out to her from the mirror.

"For thee, guided by the dark mirror"

"Follow thy heart and take the hand of the one reflected in the mirror."

"Flames that turn even stars into ashes,
Ice that imprisons even time,"

"Great tree that swallow even the sky,
Don't be afraid of the power of darkness,"

"Come now, show your power."

"Mine, theirs, and yours,
There's only little time left for us."

"Do not let go of that hand, at all costs."

Not resisting, she grabbed the hand. Not caring for the unknown voice that was lulling her. Not caring that it was random and dangerous to grab someone's hand.

"Welcome to Night Raven College, Josephine Euphemia Potter."

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