Chapter 1: Sorrow.

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I was just sitting in the backseat of the car as my mother picked me up from school. She was smiling while I was just looking blankly out the window. The school has never been the best place. Ever. People spreading rumours picked on the weak, and violence occurred everywhere where blood was spilt. A disciplined school most parents say. Teachers shout at the students as if the effects will start.

I then looked at my right hand. A bruise sat there in between my palm. There's this girl named Yuline. Pretty, smart, and gets along with others well. Just that she can have a rusty side. To be fair, if not, most people have a bad side. Smacked my hand just because I didn't finish her homework. That, however, wasn't just it. Yanked hair out of my scalp, kicked me in the stomach, saying the worst things about my family. That's right. My family. I was raised by my single mother, my father left us ever since I was born. Relatives became distant and so did my mother's friends.

"You're such a rat! Your hair looks so messy and ugly. Those glasses even? It makes you look like a kid who doesn't even know how to see right! Your father must've wasted his money on those ugly glasses. Maybe that's why he left you. Your mother is barely even hanging on, hahaha! Gosh, how are you barely survi-"


"Oops, must've slipped out. My bad." A red tint could be seen on her left cheek. I just looked at her blankly. Yuline's eyes soon widened. She just looked at me and ran off.

That's how I got my bruise, I guess. Slapped her too hard.

"Hey, sweetie. Is everything alright?" My mum glanced at me. I just nodded and stayed silent.

"Did one of the teens bully you?" She asked in a concerned tone.

I immediately looked up, shocked. How did she know? I didn't even tell her.

"Don't let them get to you. Who're they? They're just self-entitled teens who want to be better than other people. You're just wasting time on people whom you shouldn't bother with. If they still pursue you, call me immediately. I'll deal with them personally and professionally." She looked serious. Her smile wasn't there, the light in her eyes had faded.

"Yes, mum," I replied.

As soon as I replied to her, we both heard a vehicle honking. We were at the traffic light and the light in front of us was green. Who was it? The sound came from the left side. I glanced to the left and saw an incoming truck rushing toward us.

"Mum! Look ou-"


The next thing I knew was that I was lying down on a hospital bed. I slowly opened my eyes. Nobody was there except me and a few other nurses.

"Ah! You're awake now. Please, just rest. You have a small fracture on your rib and your arms. Your head was bleeding as well but other than that, you should be fine." I noticed the heart monitor next to me. There was a blood pressure machine as well.

"W-what about... My mother..?" I asked in a faint voice.

"Oh... we're sorry for your loss. Although we attended to her first and tried to bring her consciousness back, she had no pulse at all. The paramedics tried everything but to no vain..." The male nurse said in a guilty tone somewhat.

My mother... died? No way right? She couldn't be...

"Hey kiddo, is there any relative we could contact? Is your father available?"

"There's... nobody you c-could contact... My mother's the only... one I h-have..." Tears soon started to form in my eyes. So, it finally happened huh? Dad's wish finally happened. Bet he's happy now...

"You dare not give me your money?" He shouted at my mother. His face was red from being drunk. He must've had a hangover.

"You're gonna waste all that money on that stupid casino and beer aren't you? You kept using it all ever since you lost your job. What's the point of gambling even?" My mum shouted back.


"SO BE IT. I DON'T HAVE TO SEE YOUR DAMN STUPID LOOKING-ASS FACE EVER. GET THE F*CK OUT OF HERE." Tears soon dripped down her cheeks. She slammed the door and cried behind it. Dad just packed his stuff and left.

"Kiddo? Y/N? Are you okay? You seemed... to be spacing out." The female nurse named Ms Julina asked me. She had kind, blue eyes, and ash-brown hair.

I just reply with a small nod. Tears just streamed down my face. She just wiped my tears and patted my shoulder lightly.

"I'm sorry for your loss. Do you want to see her for the last time before she goes?" She asked in a gentle tone.

"Y-yes please."

"I'll bring you to her ward soon. We need to check if your head is still bleeding. Please, hold still and it might sting a little."

Ms Julina carefully removed my bandage from my head and the wound was still there. Not as deep and it wasn't bleeding as much as before.

"We'll just quickly change your dressings and I'll bring you to her ward. Is that okay, dear?" She asked.


It soon then changed into an evening and very few people attended my mother's funeral. I am wearing the only dress I have which is a black, laced dress that reached below my knees. Very few flowers were given. What's this feeling?  Standing in front of my mother's grave. Not even my father came. Maybe it's because he didn't get notified of the sudden death.

'Mellanie Croasial' was written on the grave. The name of my mother. Mellanie. Some people call her Mel for short. Crosial was the surname of my father. Her real surname was 'Selanne'. I prefer her old surname rather than my father's name. Such a crook.

The next day was Saturday. The weekdays are over. I was moved to an orphanage. It's different there. Many teens and many kids looking at me as I entered.

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