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"Come on!" Lillith panted, as she and her 12 year old sister ran from the Whiphs. "We have to make it back to the center", she called back again. "I'm trying," Kira called back to her sister, "but we can't run like this forever!"
"Try, try, just try Kira!"
"I am trying. "
Lillith rolled her eyes and sped up, forcing Kira to follow suit. Thankfully, the old office building was slowly growing in size as they ran. The old office building was like a bright, shining beacon in the deserted wasteland that was once Pheonix.

The two girls reached the old abandoned office building and started pounding on the doors. "What's the password?" a muffled voice drawled from within. "Password, Listeria and it's Lillith let me in," she snapped back,"and we have two of them on our trail so I suggest you let us in."
"Your point being?" the voice responded.
"My point being,"Lillith said through gritted teeth, "that you need to let us in now before Kira smashes a window."
"Alright then, just give me a mo'." the boy said, obviously still in no hurry. Getting quickly fed up with him after sitting for so long Kira said,"If you do not open these doors this instant Barry, I swear I will feed you to the next pack of Whiphs that pass these doors!"
"Alright, alright!" Barry answered, obviously put off by this sharp and snappy retort, "Just a sec.....and there!" He opened the doors so quickly, he almost hit Kira in the face.

The girls were greeted with a small joking smile from Barry before he quickly shut and locked the door. Barry was a short, sandy haired boy with a brilliant smile and torn, dirty clothes. He ruffled Kira's hair affectionally and gave Lillith a huge blinding smile. Lillith gave Barry a small tight smile before turning to her sister and saying, "Go to bed Kira, it's been a long day."
Kira momentarally stopped her staring contest with Barry to glare at her sister murderously. "Just because you're three years older than me doesn't make you the boss." she spat out. Then she turned, and stomped up the stairs to go to bed.

"So, what did you find today?" Barry asked sarcasticly once Kira was out of earshot, "Flying cobras, fire breathing giants?"
"As a fact I did find some fire breathing Whiphs in testing today, so I would shut up if I were you." Lillith said sharply in a tone that implied she was not to be messed with. "I didn't want to say this in front of Kira but.." she said biting her lip and glancing around uneasily, "they are well.. upgrading the Wiphs, they almost seem to come out of fairy tails. They have these weird abilities and well..... They are getting stronger. We on the other hand are not. "
"Great." Barry muttered, "More creepy killing machines out to get me."
"I haven't even gotten to the worst part yet," Lillith grumbled, in no mood whatsoever for Barry's sarcastic remarks, "they are expanding the city, and are almost in our territory now. We may have to move. They could knock our building down. Then where would we go? There's hardly anything out there anymore. "
"I know." Barry said, suddenly somber,"We can discuss this in the morning."
"Ya. " Lillith agreed as she yawned, " I'm about to crash."
"Night"said Barry.
"Night"Lillith called over her shoulder as she slowly trudged up the stairs. She reached the top of the building, found her cot, collapsed, and fell into a deep sleep.

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