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Lillith finished her breakfast and walked upstairs to her room. She pulled out her notebook from under her pillow, and began to sketch. She absorbed herself in the feel of ink and charcoal on paper. The feeling of freedom that came with drawing. She became so absorbed in her work that she didn't notice when Barry sat next to her on the cot.
"Hey," he said casually causing her to jump, "I just wanted to say sorry about last night." He finished his sentence rather quietly and timidly, as if he didn't want to face the consequences of last night.
Lillith sighed and set her notebook aside. "Yes, it's fine. I was a bit snappish too so I guess I should apologize as well."
"Indeed." he replied with a grin, knowing that doing so would tick her off.
"Barry." she said warning him to knock it off, but as soon as she caught his eye, she grinned. He smiled back and started to laugh. Soon Lillith joined in, unable to keep a serious face as her friend laughed. They laughed each others eyes and burst into hysterics and lost it completely. They both fell to the ground laughing and clutching their stomachs. When the laughter died down, they just layed there peacefully, enjoying each others company. They remembered the times when the war wasn't as bad. When they would have been two normal teenagers hanging out as friends. When they didn't have to care for other children, or scrounge for food. When they were kids. They layed there in peace, until they fell asleep next to each other.

3050Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora