when I die.

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When I die
Please don't you cry
But remember those good times and funny nights
In which we stood laughing
Under the light from the stars
Sitting on the beautiful sky.

I would have stayed
But the owner of life says it's time, so I have to fly over to the most high, from where I'd watch you and smile at your little silly acts.

When ever you hear my name
Give a knowing smile cause I know I had a part in your life
It wasn't perfect but I played my own part either good or bad, either way it's bye for now.

When I die,I won't be there to hear
You say of how much you love me cause when I was alive you didn't show me.
Sometimes you behaved as if you didn't know me
but you didn't know that your
Silence was killing me slowly,
now I'm gone
You so wish you can call me.

Dedicated to late David Jubal kalla😭.


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