Out cast.

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They whisper in hushed tones,I understand not their rules for
their ways I have no clue,
I am mute but no fool
I am hooked in one loop.

I'm hurt, no one says sorry
but I'm worried yet mama says be humble son,let your words be subtle
and do not grumble rather, remember; everyone fumbles.

I wonder why I don't quit
I mean,what is my sin..
My father is no king ?
My mother is no queen?
It is what it is but
this is not my wish.

I watch with interest,
I speak not my intents,
My heart is content even when
treated with contempt, though I sometimes seek revenge, I'm reminded that;
I'm not one of them, so unless I wish to be dead,I can't connect
it's a concept that's hard to accept"that you are either family or an out cast."



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