Chapter 1|School start

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It was hard moving into a new country and all but the hardest part was that I knew people would make fun of me. I had moved here to Canada about 1 year ago and to my surprise I found 2 good friends. I always had trouble finding friends and especially when I needed to move all the time.

At first I met Tate. He was a weird guy who I barely knew anything about. I mean the only thing I knew about him really was that his dad died when he was a little kid and he had a hard childhood, mommy issues. But we had some stuff in common and that's when we started hanging out.

Then we met Violet who had also moved recently. Her dad was a psychiatrist and apparently had an affair with one of his patients. Violet was a tuff girl and smoked a lot but she did care.

It's been the 3 of us the whole year basically and I was happy to have met new friends. But in high school you meet a lot of bad people. People that think they've got more power then everyone else.

Madison is one of them. The captain of the cheerleader team and the biggest Bitch of all. Of course the boys are into it but Violet just wants to punch her right in her doll face. But a girl like Madison doesn't fight alone. No, she's got her two girlfriends along her side. Angela and Sophie. Classic names if you ask me. They didn't really bother me the first few months but when the rumor spread she was after me like a dog.

Here's the thing, last year a video about me coming out that I recorded when I had a session in therapy and it spread somehow. Madison went on and called me things which bothered me at first but when I met Violet and Tate, they got my back. When summer came and the year was over she stopped and hopefully she will continue to ignore me. Summer was now over and school started again.
I was in the car looking out the dirty window. My brother really needs to clean them. My brother Steve got a car this summer and now he's driving me to school. "So, are you excited for the new year?" He says in a hyped tone looking in the rear view mirror. I just faked a smile and nodded. He stared at me and let out a sigh. "Hey, and if that Madison girl comes to you again, you punch her right in the face, that will make all the boys run.'' He laughed and I smirked too.

The car engine stopped and he looked back at me with a cigarette in his mouth. "Go kick some asses now'. I smiled and got out of the smelling car. In front of me was the big school that I was walking in for the first time a year ago. This was it.
Let the new year begin.

Where did the years go~Maya Hawke X reader~ ✔️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang