Kate Bishop POV

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My phone rang. Clint and his family were outside, working on the farm and hanging out. I was about to go join them when my phone rang. "Hey Kate! You coming?" Clint yelled. "Yeah! Gimme a second, I'll be there soon!", I shouted. I quickly put my phone on silent, and to my surprise, Yelena was calling me. I go to the bathroom and answer when Yelena greets me with her usual "Good evening Kate Bishop. How are you?" Shocked, I reply stuttering out "Um yeah I-I'm good. Is there any danger? Because Clint and I are both retired and"- I reply with a nervous laugh secretly hoping she's just calling just to say hi. She cuts me off and says "Come back to NY Kate Bishop, there's someone you should meet." "Uh yeah, well you see I'm not the mercenary-looking for jobs type, if this is about my mom...", my voice shrinks. "No this is not about your mom, but don't bring Clint Barton with you. I assure you, you will regret it if you do. Come back to the Bishop residence. Come alone and tell Clint Barton that you need to take care of some issues here. We'll give you 3 days to get ready and convince Clint Barton and his family. You'll see us Wednesday, at 12pm. Goodbye Kate Bishop." She hung up the call. What the-. This doesn't even make sense, why....I step out of the bathroom only to see the entire Barton family coming back inside and Nate running up to me. "Kate! Why didn't you come outside? We were calling you!" "Oh yeah sorry about that I just got caught up..." "It's alright Kate, now why don't we go eat dinner? C'mon guys!" I smile at Laura, "Yeah I'll join you in a bit..." Everyone follows Laura but I pull Clint back. "What is it?" I think he can already sense something's wrong, but I'm not sure what I tell him. Yelena said not to tell him or bring him along, but we're partners. He also looked finally happy with his family, I couldn't afford to risk him of that. I take a deep breath, dissatisfied with what I'm about to do, but I have to. "I- I got a call from one of my moms old associates who worked with managing our house stuff. I'm gonna have to go in a few days." "How long until you'll be back? I can go with you," he offers. Classic Hawkeye. "No! I mean, I think it would be better if I went alone. Could be a while, but I'm leaving in 2-3 days. I'll be alright." My stomachs already turning, by the look of his face I can tell he knows something's up, but he can see that it's all for a reason. "Alright. But keep me updated." We walk to the dinner table to see Lila and Cooper laughing at Nate and Laura serving everyone.

   *Fast forward to early morning on Wednesday*
"You know, I really can come with you. Won't take me long to pack." Clint pushes, but this is something I need to do alone.
*Fast forward to later that day*
I open the door to my house, the guy who stands here and greets me is gone, but I can't say I didn't expect it. I walk cautiously keeping my bow and arrow near by. I head toward the kitchen when I hear a huge thud. Crash! I race into the kitchen with my bow and arrow ready to launch at anything that comes near me. "Oh, RELAX Kate Bishop, one bowl falls and you get all defensive! Good habit though." I recognize that voice. Yelena peeks back up at me from behind the kitchen. I assume she's making lunch. I see empty bowls, left with a bit of food still in them, there was someone else here. A young woman wearing a scarf around her neck with a purse and her dark brown hair up in a bun looks at me and says "Ahhh yes, Kate. How are you?" She steps forward and shakes my hand. "I am Valentina Allegra De Fontaine, but you can call me Val!- But not really," She says. She's chewing gum, and I'm assuming Yelena knows her based on the 'we have something to tell you and I  know this woman, you don't have to fear but seriously do keep an eye out' look that I think Yelena's expressing.  Val, or Valentina speaks again, declaring "I have a proposal for you. And when you accept it, you can meet the others. But to give you a better idea of what's going on, here is John Walker, Yelena Belova- well you already know that don't you, that whole Hawkeye business! And another, here's-" I see a blond woman with armor, not like Yelena, different. Her British accents rich, "I'm Sylvie. Please sit down, eat. Do whatever, and why don't we explain to you what's going on."

That was the first chapter, please do let me know what you think of it! I think it might've been a little long, sorry. I don't know if this is exactly what's going to happen but I will try and write up chapter 2 tomorrow!

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