a tuesday

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Chapter 3

a tuesday.

Izuku wakes up, forgetting most of last night. But he definitely remembers not sleeping here, did Toga take me back here? Izuku was about to get out of bed until he grazed something on his arm.

He pulls the covers off the bed to see Toga sleeping right next to him.

Izuku face turns into a tomato from how much he's blushing, 'I-I slept-t nex-xt to.. Toga!?'

The sun shines across her face, he can't lie she looks cute.

"mornin.. izu-kun.. sleep well?"

"T-toga! Your in my-y bed?!"

"mhm" she says leaning up and stretches, "I got no where to sleep"

"Well... In that case I guess you can stay."

Her face lights up brightly.

"Just please Toga, don't get me kicked out."

"I won't!"

'Was she always this cute? No! No no no no. Fuck. That. Not fucking happening again.'

His embarrassed face quickly turns depressed, it was Tuesday, he still has the whole week to deal with her..

Toga quickly notices his change and gets up and twists his nipple.

"Hey whattheheck!"

"You just gonna sit there or are you gonna treat your guest to some breakfast?"

"What Even time is it??" He says sluggishly picking up his phone.

"11:35!? I'm late by 4 Hours?!"

"Yeahhh sorry I broke your alarm clock cause it was being loud and you looked cute sleeping"

"YOU BROKE MY CLOCK?! OH MY ZACK AND JASON I GOTTA GO" Izuku quickly changes in the bathroom and zooms out of the room to his class

"Didn't even take me with you" she says pouting.

He bursts through the door, panting up a storm.

"Your late problem child. -5 points deducted from your next test."

"Yessir..*pant* Sorry..*pant* Sir."

He says making his way to his seat.

"Problem Child, did you happen to see a blonde hair individual on you way here?"

He shakes his head.

Knock Knock

"Well that must be her"

'I wonder who it is?'

The door opens and a golden blonde girl, with long let down hair and shiny golden eyes.

Izukus eyes widen.

"This is our new student. Himi KoKo. say hi"

"Hi! I'm Himi and my quirk is Tracking Heart Beats!"

"take a seat next to... Midoriya."

"Yayy!" She quickly zooms to the seat next to Izuku

"Mind telling me how you got enrolled into UA Ms. KoKo?"

"Thanks for asking, handsome! I'm just that good."

"H-handsome? S-stop tha-at. I-if you got in we need to up our security.."

"I'm just here to keep you from doing anything to hurt yourself"

"Wha! Your more likely to hurt someone!"

"Hey! The Knife kills them NOT me! Plus they run into it, not my problem"

"Yeah yeah ms murderer"

"Murderer is a very hateful term Mister! I'm simply a woman making a living, they run into my knife! I tell them to run and scream for help but they just constantly jump on it!"

"I can't believed I slept with a killer.."

"When you say it like that it makes it sound sexual~"

"I-its not! Now hush I gotta pay attention"

The class continues until lunch.

"I told you to make Breakfast but cha didnt!"

"It was the middle of the day! And you broke my clock there was no time!"

Every person from 1A is watching them bicker like an old married couple.

"Ayo Izu-pussy! Whose this chick you found? Did you buy her to be your gf? You that desperate to get over MY bitch now?" Bakugo says.



Book 4: Grief (Finale.) (Discontinued Until Book One is Finished)Where stories live. Discover now