Page 3: you must break the pattern today or the loop will repeat tomorrow

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"Is Wilbur here?"


Music rang through the halls.

10 AM.

The annoying ringing of the door bell disturbed him. "Tommy get the door"

Tommy, who was listening as always, got up and headed to the door.

What maniac would come over at 10 AM????

He can think of someone. But he's trying to avoid him.


"Is he or not?"

"What do you want Dream"
Tommy sneered. He never understood how techno could hang out with this guy.



"... Ew"
Tommy was about to close the door when-

"Ah dream! Let's go shall we?"
Fucking Wilbur.

"Where are you guys going?"
Tommy glared. Worried about his brother

Both answered in sync. Gross.

"Can I come?"

"To the library?"

"Never mind"


"Are you sure about to this?"

"Wilbur it's right here just look!"

They've been reading since an hour.

Wilbur is in denial.

Dream is stubborn.

The reason why techno acts weird is because-



Music rang through the halls.

10 PM

Wilbur is getting sick. He jumps up and runs towards the bathroom.

That night. The music abruptly stoped.
And Wilbur got sick for the first time.

"Will?" Techno knocked on the door. "Are you alright?" He was worried. Why? Why was he worried again?

"M' fine techno" came from the inside. "Jus' go to bed I'll handle this" techno hesitated. "D'you want me to call dad?"


"It's ok, let it out."

Philza sat next to Wilbur. Lightly drawing circles on his back. "Dad-" choking Wilbur looked up, didn't last long until he bowed down again. "Shhh"

"Dad I have to tell you something"

Huh? Now that's new. Wilbur opening up? Never.


Music rang through the halls

Wilburs ears are ringing.

Wilburs ears are hurting.

"Make it stop" a murmur.

"STOP" A whisper yell


The music stopped.

Footsteps approached the living room.
Wilbur was wrapped around blankets like a new born baby. Tears streaming down, eyes shut and ears covered.

That was the first time, the music stopped abruptly.


"Hey snapmap do you know why smiles is ignorin' me?"

"No sorry, blade"

He felt shut out. Tommy is just giving him a small side glance. Phil doesn't bother. Wilbur is still sick. Dream ignores him. Snapmap calls him"blade" which he never did. Tubbo doesn't come over anymore. And Ranboo has been canceling each session.

"I don't know what I did wrong."

"Techno it's probably nothing. Your cake. Happy birthday." Niki smiled. "Here it's a gift for you." Niki. Man she's nice. He liked her because of her kindness. Techno would play the piano for her and she'd backe for him.

"At least someone remembered..."
He himself forgot.
"Thanks it wasn't necessary."

"Ehhhh" Niki shrugged. She was excited. For his reaction.

"Omg Niki I love it!"
A cloak. But not just any cloak.

The cloak he'd been dreaming about is finally his!

He can't wait to tell.. to tell.. right.

No one talks to him.


Silence rang through the halls.

10 AM

Phil can't take it.

Technoblade sat. Headphones on. 'C#...B...uhhhhh...Db...C#..then B..C#..Db...F#...E...B but an octave higher... Then uhm E.. D...C#...'

Again. He thought. But no uhhs and lingering.

C# B Db C#
B C# Db F# E B (octave higher) E D C#.

He didn't hear the door opening. The weeping the screaming. Just the song.


Done! Wow I wrote all this in a day. Motivation!

If it's getting too sad let me know. I'll write another fic like this.

Ignore the typos please. I'll fix them soon (haha never you fools.)


Word count of the day: 616 Words!

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