Chapter 2: We don't have many days

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Page 4: Talk to me while you have time.

Silence rang through the halls.

10 AM

Breakfast was lonely.

Dinner was lonely.

Everything was lonely.

Whenever they'd eat together, Technoblade would wear headphones. Listening to music. Ignoring them.

They did the same. Why shouldn't he?


They feel bad. About ignoring him. That was definitely wrong.

Outside his door there were gifts. 7 to be exact. Each had a name and a little letter on it.

He picked them up and brought them inside.

'Hey. Sorry for my shitty behaviour. I'm sorry if I made you worry for nothing I'm doing ok now. However I noticed that you are ignoring me. It's fine. I get it.

I would like to talk again.
I miss hanging out with you.


He clutched the note. Eyes glossy lip quivering. 'smiles' he thought. Who was that again? Right dream.

It was a necklace.

One with a moonstone attached.

The exact same one he gave him.

Dream returned it. Probably on accident.

It still hurt.

"Why are you giving me this?"

"Tribute." Technoblade looked down on his hands.

"Tribute?" Confused the masked man looked at him.

"For uh, sticking with me and not ditching me." He lied. Sort of.

"Awwww are you getting sentimental?" Dream cooed.

"You know what give it back." A joke.

"No it's mine now forever. I'll never take it off." 'cute' techno thought.

"You're weird." He fake grimaced

"I know you love me"

"Yeah right."


'Hey mate,

Sorry for my behaviour it's just that something came up. I hope you like your gift! It took me a while to find it but here :D

Happy birthday!

-Philz Minecraft'

It was another necklace. Techno didn't have the heart to tell Phil he owns one already. The same one. One emerald shaped like a Rhombus.


"What's that mate?"

"A necklace. Made it myself."

"Is that emerald?"

"Yes. I like emeralds."



I want you to forgive my shitty behaviour.

-your brother. Tommy'

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