Chapter 14

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The Ignominies in Yirrim had heard of the death of Nakamian king Keljude.

"It is great that the king of Nakami has died," an Ignominy said.

"Why is that great?," another Ignominy asked.

"We can invade it more easily, especially since the king has no children," the Ignominy answered. "I've heard that the environment of Nakami looks beautiful, that means their resources are also good. Let's take advantage of the invasion while there's a power vacuum there."

Many Ignominies scrambled on ships to get to Nakami so they could take over the planet.

Shortly after Keljude's burial, a group of Ignominies arrived at the port. In the royal palace, the advisors are still busy fighting over who will rule Nakami next. An advisor thought that the one to lead in Keljude's place is the next top official. Another advisor thought that the king's top soldier would lead. An advisor, on the other hand, wants to lead Nakami himself.

While they were arguing, a group of Ignominies took advantage to enter the palace of the Silestas thinking they were already extinct.

Meanwhile, in Serenno, the news of the Ignominies' invasion of the planet had reached House Dooku.

"My dear Countess, I am afraid to say that there are Ignominies occupying your homeworld, Nakami," a Silestan servant exclaimed to the royal couple.

Meanwhile, Ethilne and Kennler were listening to the news happening on the planet Nakami. They are already wondering who will face the Ignominies.

"It's better if you go to Nakami," Kennler told his twin sister, Ethilne. "It is that you have more experience in fighting because you're training with Father to use a lightsaber."

"I don't want to," Ethilne replied. "Wintrev said that the Ignominies are dangerous because of what they did to him before."

"All right," Kennler replied. "You can do that. I can't lead Serenno and Nakami at the same time."

Ethilne just shrugged at her brother before leaving the throne room, reluctantly accepting the offer to save Nakami.

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