🦋-"The shattering of a heart when being broken is the loudest quiet ever"

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Chapter 21: Becoming

So i had sex with a married guy but to my defence he is getting divorced so its not that bad right ? , right?.
Today i am at work and boy is being an Accountant exhausting, i literally have been busy with one file for an hour now .
"Knock Knock im in"
"Really Khaya ,thats not how its done"
"I don't care , so i bought coffee for my friend"
"Thanks" i take the coffee take a sip and sigh .
"You look stressed"
" i feel stressed as well"
I say leaning back on my chair and facing up.
"I thought yesturday's exercise might destress you"  i look at him , while he is siping of his coffee
"What are you talking about".
"Your neck girl" he says
I take my phone and open my front camera , oh shit i thought i put makeup on these yaz.
"Oh this , hay marhn Mosquito was bothering me last night yaz"
He looks at me , making me feel like i was a girl caught by her father.
"Mmmmmh, anyway let me go ,this numbers won't balance themselves girl"
I get a call on the office phone and they let me know there is a man who is on the way to my office.
When the door opens ,Stembiso gets in with a wide smile on his face, so this thing of not knocking runs in the Zungu blood or what.
I stand up and give him a hug.
"Hey , what are you doing here"
"Can't a man come check on his woman" he says with a smile on his face.His woman?, haibo loh buthi (this dude) did he wake up and forget that he is still married .
"I wanted to talk to you"
"Busi after last night ,i just couldn't think about anything else but you" how about you think about your wife ,is what i said to him... in my head.
"Your smell ,your smile , your moans , your lips, you just can't get out of my mind" To be honest its the same with me , what happened in the car just reminded me of why i feel in love with him in the first step but something in me just can't forget that his married and he lied to me.
He sighs and stands up .
"Ngiyakthanda(i love you) and i want to make you Mrs Zungu ,if you allow me" he says ,on his feet ,haibo? , isn't he suppose to kneel and where is the ring.Ladies listen do everything but do not date a Zulu man ,this guy is proposing standing on his feet and there is no ring even.
But why is Stembiso proposing to me while he is still in the process of a divorce , how does he think it will work.
I sigh .
"Its okay mama ,i will give you time to think about it but don't take a lot of time"
He kisses me in the cheek and whispers "ngiyakthanda yezwa(i love you) in my ear and leaves ,leaving me confused as fuck .
How do i know if i can trust him again , how do i know that he won't lie and break my heart again

Becoming Busisiwe Zungu Where stories live. Discover now