🦋-"The fill in"

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Chapter 48:Becoming Busisiwe Zungu.

After a while Shaka came back without his bratty sister .
Its been hours waiting here and every minutes that passes without getting an update feels like im dying inside.
I see a doctor approaching us and stand up.
"Stembiso Zungu"
"Its us" i say with a desperate tone.
I try to read her face so i can know whether its good news or bad news but i see nothing , haibo do they train this people to not show any emotion at all .
"Mr Zungu was shot 2 times in the chest and after taking out the bullets ,he fell right into coma..."
"Is he gonna die"
Shaka asks .
And i look at him , why the hell would he ask that.
"i would like it if we could be positive , we can't currently tell what is going to happen so we can just hope for the best"
"Oh nkosi yam"-the mother says sitting down with his son comforting her.
"Can we see him"-Khaya asks
His been really quiet i forgot his even here.
"Yes ,but i think its best if you come tomorrow"
We just got home , yes we , the Zungus decided among themselves that they were all going to sleep at my house today and me the owner of the house was not asked if i have a problem with that. .
I am so exhausted  and confused. Who would shoot Stembiso , what did he do that would make someone want to kill him.
"Who did this"-the mother asks .
"Who did this Shaka"
"Ma angaz ( i dont know)"
"This feels like nightmare"-Khaya
And that is the true my friend.
"Makoti ,now that Stembiso is gone ,i was thinking i get the keys to his office so i can  carry on where he left off "-Shaka
I look at him.
"His not dead"
It goes mute for a minute.
"Ngiyaz sisi , but the business needs to continue, we can't afford to lose money"
"Shaka is right , he is the perfect person to fill in for Stembiso while he is in the hosipital"-the mother
Lona thinks she's the boss of me just cause im married to her son
"NO" i say confidently
"No?" The mother asks shocked
"yebo , Ngithi No"
I realise a deep sigh.
"I will fill in for Stembiso"
I say not only shocking them but shocking myself too

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