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I felt my entire body failing to function.

The scent of his cologne lingers in my nose and it becomes too familiar. I knew that it was him. But I needed to pretend that I'm not really the one he is referring to. I don't even know why I'm refusing him. I just really do.

"Ah, fuck."

"You really shouldn't be cussing in school grounds..." I hear him chuckle while sliding back the pen towards me. My head turns back up and I see him already looking at me. I never thought eyes would be so memorable. 

"I want to put this straight to the point," my voice manages to say. "Do we have to have any business with each other? Because if we don't, then can you please treat me like any other person?"

"Oh?" He playfully rubs his bottom lip with his thumb. "On what I can see, it looks like you're the one not treating this as normal, you know, acting so stiff around me."

I wanted to punch that smile out of his face. "You want me to act normal? Fine then, your face looks so stupid right now."

"That hurts," his hand lifts up to his chest, pretending to be hurt. "Is this how you treat your friends?"

"Except we aren't really friends now, are we?"

I honestly don't know how this conversation is still going. It's surprising how I am still keeping up though. But obviously I am making things uncomfortable due to only a few awareness of real socializing. I'm a college student and yet I can't say a proper hello.

"Be honest with me. There's obviously no way we met here after a long time of not knowing each other's existences right before after we met last night, right?"

My brows furrow when he looks away, running a hand through his hair. 

"I might have asked my friends about you."

And I hope not one of those friends is my brother.

"Have I ever told you that you're creepy?"

He looks back at me. "I'm sorry. It's just that... I wanted to thank you properly for keeping me safe last night. And apologize for bothering you. I can recall you saying I was keeping you away from hours of sleep."

"That's fine. I wasn't really going to get any sleep anyway." I shrugged. "So do you really stay here at the library?"

"I found it better to keep a look out here than asking around if they have seen a girl with black hair, brown eyes, and 5 feet tall anywhere." He says that while slightly leaning forward.

I flicked him away, he laughs at that. "I told you, I'm not that small."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2022 ⏰

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