The noodles

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When the pot noodle noodles entered my mouth, they starting wrapping themselves around my tongue providing my mouth with an odd sense of pleasure "oh my god" I gasped. The flavours were making my taste buds reach their climax, over stimulating them. I almost let out a cry when I swallowed the long noodle but quickly realised that I had more in the pot noodle pot so I put a heap load into my mouth. I was having a foodgasm, no doubt about that. And it was the most pleasurable experience ever.

Time skip to when you're asleep

I fell into the sweet land of slumber and was experiencing the most lovely dream. It was a pot noodle.
"Come here sexy" it whispered in a husky voice.
"Anything you say potty noodly" and so I obeyed. My chest was heaving. I was starting to get excited. And then I fooking woke up.

A/N. Wtf am I doing with my life

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2022 ⏰

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