Hellfire club (part 3) chapter 5

413 12 17

Mike pov

"If interest is compounded monthly, then n = 12"

I drifted off not really listening to Mr brown anymore. Every word he said I already knew so listening to his boring lectures where really just a waste of my time which could be spend thinking on ways to tell Eddie to move the tournament to another night. I look around the classroom and my eyes land on max I mean how could your eyes not land on her if her fiery red hair wasn't distracting enough then you sure would of noticed her with all the noise she was making while drawing on her notebook. I pay closer attention to her, she looks tired as if she hasn't slept in days and she looks so fragile and for some reason I just want to protect her but at the same time I know she doesn't need me too.  

I look over at the clock to see it's half past which means we still have another half hour of class left. It's as if time is moving as slowly as it can. 


I turned around to look at Max again she was looking down at her notebook where there was now a droplet of blood sinking into the pages 

"Sir can I be excused to the nurse office" I hear max say as she gets up 

"Of course Max"

I watch as max leaves the classroom leaving behind her notebook with a drop of her blood.

[Time skip]

As me and Dustin walk over to I still can't help but think of max and wonder if she is alright I mean she has to be it was only a bleeding nose.

As me and Dustin stop to look at the table we have been sitting at for ages we can hear Eddie talking about the reviews of dungeons and dragons which are never good. 

sh¡t, he seems really revved up today. I turn over to Dustin and say "He's always revved up. We'll just act casual."

"Casual." Dustin says back 





We take our seats at the lunch table 

"Society has to blame something. We're an easy target." Someone says but I am paying no attention to anymore my head keeps wondering to max cause that seems that's all it can do nowadays. I am quickly snapped out of my thoughts when Eddie jumps on the table and starts screaming and for a minute I thought Dustin had told him about the problem with Lucas 

"So, uh, speaking of monsters, uh, Lucas has to do his, uh, balls-in-laundry-baskets game. So... ...he's not gonna be able to make it to Hellfire tonight. And I know there's no way we can beat your sadistic campaign without him. So, me and Mike, we were talking, shooting the sh¡t, and we were thinking that maybe we might..." Dustin was taking to long so I decided to interrupt him "Postpone."

 "You saying Sinclair's been taken in by the dark side?" 

I look at Eddie "Uh, something like that."

"Something like that?" He says in a louder tone as he throws something at me

"Jesus Christ." Dustin whispers next to me

"And rather than find a sub for him, you want... you want to postpone "The Cult of Vecna"?

"I...I don't want to postpone it. We don't want to postpone it." I sutured back to him which is so silly

I watch as Eddie gets out of his chair and starts to walk around in circles in front of the chair 

"It's just that, you know, most of the subs will be at the championship game." I look at Eddie hopping he will listen to us and just postpone D&D

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2022 ⏰

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