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Tommy was up in his room for about 2 hours before deciding to take a nap. He was tired and deserved it after a long day of college then therapy. He didn't want his mom to bother him either. She knew not to wake him when he was napping. He always got really cranky and sometimes violent, though sometimes they didn't care and woke him anyways.

After a few hours of sleep, he woke up to his mother screaming for him for dinner. He was upset at being woken up but went down anyway after a few minutes.

"What's for dinner?" Tommy asked sleepily when he got down. He was still half asleep and was mumbling.

"Nothing for you, you took too long, you can eat later." his mom said with a snide tone.

Hearing this, Tommy almost almost started crying before biting back his tears and running back upstairs to his room. He practically leapt into his bed and immediately started texting Wilbur, tears falling silently.

Wilbur.. mum wouldnt let me eat..

Wtf.. that's not okay i'm so sorry toms

Its okay.. ill get something later.. can we just play minecraft for a bit till shes asleep? It won't take long

Sure, how about we cause some chaos on the smp? (this is a different smp) Seems like some people are on

Sounds like fun, lets do it.


Four hours later, Tommy felt his stomach pang and realised what time it was. Shit, it's almost 11.. he thought to himself. "Hey Will, i'll be back in a minute, i'm getting hungry."

"Get something nice, treat yourself, you deserve it,"

He decided to go down and get some cereal, as that's all he could get without making so much noise. After he got his cereal he went back upstairs and got back on his computer. He decided to play some solo bedwars. He thought he was good enough to not scream when he died but ended up failing that challenge for himself.

"FUCK, NO" he shouted as he fell off into the voi his bed being destroyed right before he died.

His mom came into his room and started yelling at him. "Shut the fuck up! It's 2 in the morning! You dont need to be fucking screaming, go to bed!"

He started sobbing on the phone with Wilbur after she left.

"Wilbur shes.. she's getting bad.. bad bad.. I wanna move out.. I wanna move in with you, leave her.. please.. I'll get a job, I'll help with rent, anything to get away from her!"

"Tommy, Tommy, I've never said you can't. Of course you can," Tommy could hear the smile in his voice as he spoke, "We can get an apartment together since I still live with my parents. Though, we both need jobs besides streaming. Sure it's good income but not enough for that." he paused before continuing, "But don't worry, we'll figure it out." Wilbur reassured. Tommy's heart fluttered at that, knowing he'd be able to move in with Wilbur.

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