Uh Oh...

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Tommy woke up from his alarm and immediately shut it off wanting to go back to sleep. It was a school day so Wilbur pushed him off the bed to wake him up to get ready. Tommy got up and dressed in wilburs clothes, since he didn't have any of his own. They were a little baggy on him since Wilbur had a more defined physical frame than tommy.

They got breakfast and headed to school. The same things that usually happen at school. The group of kids picked on them, they got bad homework grades because they didn't do it again, etc.

After the school day was over, Tommy headed back home, dreading the yelling he would have to deal with from his parents when he arrived.

"Where the hell were you?! You were with Wilbur weren't you! You know we don't want you to be around him!" his mom shouted at him. "You are never going to his house again! You're grounded besides therapy and school!"

"Mom, i'm 18 you can't ground me from anything! Im am adult and can do what i want!'' Tommy shouted back. He was upset and he was not holding back.

"Not while you're under my roof! Im taking your car keys, your computers, your phone, everything."

"I pay for all that, at that point, it's just stealing. I can report my car as stolen, I always have my phone on me, so I don't see how you'll get it off of me, and you can't take my computers because they're both packed away and I'm gonna leave." Tommy was lying about his stuff being packed because he couldn't risk getting it taken away.

His mom raised her hand and whack. She slapped him across the face. It left a mark and it stung bad. All Tommy could do was just stand still, frozen in fear. She'd never hit him before, but she had threatened it. He never thought she'd stoop this low with him.

She stood in front of the steps upstairs so he couldn't hide in his room. He knew he had to pack his things quickly and leave, so he pushed her out of the way and ran upstairs. Once he got in his room, he closed and locked the door so no one could get in.

"Wilbur, bring boxes and a ladder. Now. sneak behind the house, put the ladder up to my window and hand me boxes, I'm leaving and need to pack." Tommy texted wilbur.

"I'm on my way, hold on tommy, it'll be okay." Wilbur was concerned because he knew Tommy didn't have a place to stay and he couldn't stay with Wilbur because he had no room in his house.

They were planning to get an apartment together but they didn't have the money yet. Wilbur knew this so he decided to apply for more jobs wherever he could to get extra money so Tommy didn't have to worry about it with everything going on in his life.

Wilbur was a good friend, and he knew this, but he was coming close to his breaking point now. He wanted to help Tommy but needed some help of his own. He was contemplating getting therapy as well.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2023 ⏰

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