Ch 24: Skiing Disaster

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Moka x Female Reader

^Your Outfit^

     Weeks had passed since what had happened but I quickly put it behind me. Moka had been extremely protective. Before she was protective but's worse. "Moka I'm fine! Calm yourself!" I spoke. 

     She shook her head. "No! What if you cut yourself?" Her eyes shone with pure love and concern. I sighed. "How, pray tell, am I going to cut myself skiing?" She puffed out her cheeks in a cute way. 

     We were sitting on the bus and going up a snowy mountain. Today was Skii day and Moka was being dramatic. I took her hands into my own and smiled. "Look, Moka. I love how much you care for me but I can take care of myself." 

     She sighed. "I know...I just want you to" I smiled and kissed her hand. "Thank you for understanding my love." She smiled and kissed my hand as well. I smiled and looked to Mizore who gave a thumbs up.

     "Why are you looking at Mizore?" Moka questioned. "Well, ever since you and I started dating. Kurumu has been trying to flirt a little more with me. Mizore makes sure she backs off." "Oh." Soon we were at the Skii lodge.

     We got off the bus and I noticed that all the women were snowwomen. I held Moka's hand and smiled. "It's beautiful here Mizore...Kinda jealous I didn't grow up here." I joked. Mizore smiled and Moka giggled. 

     We got set up to ski and held Moka's hand. "Okay, Moka...I think I don't want to ski anymore..." I mumbled as she helped me learn. Moka giggled and shook her head. "You can do this Y/n!" Kurumu suddenly came over. 

     Before she said anything I was literally kidnapped by Mizore. "AH!" I yelled in shock as I was dragged off. "Mizore what the hell!?" I questioned while she just laughed. Somehow I managed to free myself.

     I sat against a cold tree and looked into the sky. Yukari came up to me. "Are you alright?" I smiled and nodded. "I'm fine kid." I ruffled her hair and she giggled. Believe it or not, she doesn't mind being called kid anymore.

     At first she hated it but I think she really warmed up to the idea. I stood and began skiing with her. After awhile I decided to Ski with Moka more until Kokoa appeared and tried to take her rosario. 

     I sighed and held her up by her collar, she flailed in anger. "I want my big sister back!" She yelled. Suddenly a rumble could be heard and an avalanche began to chase us. I threw Kokoa over my shoulder and followed Moka. 

     I don't know what happened to Moka but me and Kokoa got thrown into a revene. My head spun as I sat up and checked on Kokoa. "Hey brat, you okay?" She sat up and looked around. "Where are we?" She questioned.

     "We fell down a reveane." I picked her up bridal style, carrying her to a cave. "What do you think your doing!?" "We can't be out in the's to cold." I sat her down once we were inside. 

      "Where is she!?" I sighed as Kokoa went looking for Moka. I followed despite the cold storm and I heard a growl. My eyes narrowed and I looked around. "Kokoa we need to go back to the's the safest option right now." 

     Begrudgingly she followed. We sat there for awhile until I got curious. "Why do you hate me?" She glared. "You really don't know!? Moka gives you everything!" I frowned at her words. Understandably, she was jealous.

     "What do you mean?" She looked down. "You can take her rosario off...but I can't...I also heard she gave you her blood." I sighed. "She saved me...I owe Moka everything brat." "Don't call me that!" "Stop acting like one!"

     We just stared at each other until she huffed and looked away again. "Why...Why is it always you!? Why isn't it ever me!?" I frowned. "Kokoa...Your sister loves you...both of them do." "Yeah right!" 

     She began crying until she fainted. She was freezing. I chewed my lip and formed fire in my hands, holding it close to her, not trying to burn her. I hummed a soft lullaby until an abominable snowman ran over. 

     I got rid of my fire and picked up Kokoa, running off. My thoughts faded into one thing. Protect. I needed to protect her. Of course, the creature began to follow me. Moka seemed to find me and naturally, I took off her rosario.

     As I held her she woke up for a split second and tried to take it, but as Moka went back to normal she began to cry again. I frowned and held her close. Soon it was time to go back to school.

     Kokoa had run off but I feel like she's starting to warm up to me. I smiled and wrapped an arm around Moka. "Oh, Y/n..." She bit my neck and began to drink my blood. Things are just perfect. I wouldn't change a thing.

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