The Guessing Game

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"What do you mean you like someone?" Dan declared

Phil shrugged blushing a little "I did not mean to say that"

"Oh c'mon! You're my best friend and you weren't going to tell me?" Dan faked hurt

He chuckled writing down what the teacher had written on the board "Before you ask, I'm not telling you who it is"

Dan pouted "Please! Like boy or girl?"

He blushed even harder "It's a boy"

The slightly younger squealed to himself and he rolled his eyes.

"I regret ever telling you that I was bi" he sighed

Dan slapped his arm playfully "No you don't you love me, so are you gonna tell me more?"




"Pretty please?"

"Fine, just stop doing that with your eyes erm let's just say that he has... pretty eyes" he answered

Dan thought for a moment "Okay so that rules out me..."

Phil nearly face planted. He had mentioned how much he liked his friends eyes before. He decided to say nothing so he wouldn't give anything away.

"...Hmmm, ooh Troye!" Dan said proudly "It has to be him"

Phil shook his head.

Dan whined, it was really frustrating that he no clue who it was and he wanted to go all inspector like about it. It was also frustrating for Phil because Dan really couldn't see that it was him.


"Next clue?" Dan pleaded

Phil sighed, Dan had been begging him all the way from school to give him more information. They were now sitting on the train on their way home.

"How tall is he?"

Phil thought for a moment remembering Dan's height "Five foot eight"

"So like around my height?" he questioned and Phil nodded in response.

Once again, Dan sat there frowning. He thought and thought and thought. He was a pretty average height for his age so the clue was pretty much useless to him.

He scowled at Phil "You're not making this easy"

Phil laughed and shrugged "You'll find out who it is soon"

"How soon?" Dan perked up

Phil blushed "Erm I was actually planning to tell him on the last day of school"

Since Dan and Phil were both in their final year, they were finishing school in two weeks.

"I can't wait that long!" Dan whined slumping in his seat "I wanna know now!"

"The next station is Treensford" the intercom of the train announced.

The two teenagers stood as it was their stop.

"Do I know him?"

"Yes, very well actually" Phil replied before stepping off the train. Once again he left Dan baffled.

They actually lived in the same block of apartments. Dan lived on floor three whereas Phil was on floor twelve at the top.

All the way to the block of flats, Dan acted like a child, bombarding Phil with questions about his little crush. Phil was so tempted to just blurt it out but he wasn't ready yet.

The Guessing Game ➳ Phan One ShotOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora