Am I Dreaming?

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Just imagine...

You're sitting on your bed, doing homework, blasting Ellie Gouldings Halcyon album, when you hear the doorbell go, but you ignore it. Your mum is screaming at you to go and get it, you leave your music playing and run down stairs.

When you finally get to the door, you open it wide, you start screaming... You see a woman there with an EG beanie on, and washout pinkish hair, she has a sweet British accent as she say's "Hey are you Y/N?" you nearly faint when she asks you. Finally you stop screaming, the tears are running down your face as you reach out at hug her, of course it's me Ellie!

You really don't want to let go of her but you have to and then inviter her in, you see her smiling at you as she's sitting on your couch, you run over to her and give her another hug!

You ask her what's she's doing at your house? She's replies "I know you're like my biggest fan, I've seen all your tweets photos and everything! So I thought while visiting this area I'd come and visit you! Oh an by the way, love what music you're listening to" as she gives ou a cheeky wink! You've forgotten that her Halcyon album was still playing, but you really don't care anymore.

Your mum shouts at you who is it and then she walks in, she starts crying too, and goes up to hug Ellie, your mum says that she's a huge fan too!..

(To be continued) Give your thoughts and then I'll write part 2 x

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