Chapter 2

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We make it to class in the nick of time. I hear two voices call out to Haruhi "Hey Haruhi! Who are these pretty girls with you?" The voices say charmingly. "Oh boy. This is Callie." as she nods to me. "And this is Raya." She continues, pointing to my twin. "Well Callie and Raya, I'm Hikaru Hitachiin and this is my brother Kaoru." He says. "It's nice to meet you!" I respond.
"Also, you guys are welcome to come visit the host club at any time!" Kaoru says happily. "Thank you!" Raya says smiling. "This means that Haruhi has probably already invited you to come with us to the waterpark. But we'd like to extend that invitation again!" Hikaru says. "Yes of course!" I respond. "We'll just have to have someone drop off our swimsuits before we leave," Raya says. "Yeah," I say
"Geez that class was long," I say under my breath. "You think?" Kaoru responds. "I didn't expect anyone to hear me." I chuckle. "But you're Kaoru right?" I continue. "Yes, I am. But how did you know?" He asks. "I could discern your voices!" I say smiling. "Well, you're one of the few people who can tell us apart somewhat so congratulations." He says in a tone that's a little enthusiastic.
"Hey, we should be heading to our next classes right?" He asks. "What's your next class? I'll walk you there." He says politely.
"Oh thank you!" I say with a genuine smile. "Let me just get my stuff and we'll go." He says, packing up his stuff. "Okay!" I respond, fiddling with one of my braids as I do when I'm feeling any emotion.
I could be happy and I'd still fidget with my hands and surroundings. I don't know why though.
As I'm lost in thought, Kaoru tells me that he's ready to go and we go and walk to my next class. I wave him goodbye and go to my next class. I take advanced science so I'm in a class with Sakura and Kyoya. I go to find my usual seat next to Sakura and take out my notebook to take notes for the class. Even though my family is wealthy doesn't mean I can't get a proper education.

As always, my eyes drift over towards Kyoya who's sitting with Tamaki Suou. They seem to be talking about something when I see them glance in my direction. I smile at them then avert my eyes. "Sakura. What do you think that they're talking about?" I ask. "I don't know. Probably something surrounding the host club." She says back. "Makes sense," I say and move on. "About going to the waterpark, you said 3:52 p.m. in music room 3?" I ask just for confirmation. "Yes. And make sure to have a swimsuit. The Hitachiin twins have a bunch that their mom made but if you want to bring one of your own, you might want to have someone drop it off around 3:00." She says.
"Okay! I'll text my mom and ask her to bring it or send someone to bring it. Did you need one as well? I have a bunch of brand new swimsuits that I'm ninety-nine percent sure would fit you!" I say excitedly. "You don't have to do that." She says bashfully. "You're my best friend. Plus I insist!" I respond. "Okay then." She says. "Yay! I'll text you some of the new ones I have and you can tell me which one you like." I say happily. Sakura smiles. "Yes! I have lunch next." I think to myself.

The bell rings and I head to the lunchroom.
A/n: This is a much longer chapter but I was experiencing an acute case of writer's block so please bear with me.
I want to shout out Bublebeewritz because she's writing a sister story to this one centering Sakura! Give it a read, it's so good!

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