Chapter 2

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Emily's pov,

"Everyone meet Emily Macy, she is repeating 12th grade for a reason that is personal so it needs to be private between me and her so please be nice to her."

Everyone was watching me like a crow at night, I don't like this already and it's making me scared.

"Emily sweetie why don't you sit next to Amelia and Betty okay?" Mrs Mack pointed to them in the front of the class, they seem nice but I don't know if I should become their friends

I slowly walked towards the desk ignoring everyone who was watching creepily. I'm shaking, I'm pretty scared I didn't want to do this, I should've choice Summer school, dad gave me a choice but I really wanted to graduate and get my grades up when school starts. Emily Macy please don't embarrassed yourself now.

"Hey why don't you sit with us new friend." Betty patted on the chair that I'm gonna be sitting in between them. New friend huh, they see me as a friend?

"Hey Emily nice seeing you here again, it's crazy that we are in the same class together."Amelia giggled, we did bump each other on the way to class. I haven't met her since 4th grade when I move, but I don't know if I should talk to her since what has happened to me in the past.

"Don't worry, everyone is like that when a new student comes in," Betty said. "Just don't mind them they can be a little crazy."

"I can see that." I said looking at everyone in homeroom,  "I don't think I wanna be here anymore."

"What no don't leave already, we just started to become friends!" Betty yelled, "Don't mind Her." Said Amelia, "Betty makes friends really easy and she hopes to become friends with you." 

"Okay class enough talking." The teacher cut everyone off and sat on her desk. "I would like you to introduce yourselves for the start of senior year, getting to know each other makes it easier to make new friends. So starting next Monday I would like all of you to do a project and a presentation about yourself, is that understandable?"

The class was full of mixed emotions. Half of them were not happy about this while the other half was excited about it.I with the half that doesn't want to do it, do we have to talk about everything about our selves?! I don't really want to talk about my past or my family, especially since it's been bad enough.

 Painful Memories started to come back in my head, of all the pain and agony I went through. " more..." I said to myself, frightened. I started to breathe heavily, my body started to shake, I could hear my heart beating loudly in my ears"Emily please, calm down." I thought to myself.

"Hey, are you okay?" Betty said.

"Yeah why?"

"You feel a bit down, and you got some tears in your eyes also while breathing pretty hard , is there something that's bothering you?" 

Tears were flowing down my eyes, so far the class was looking at me, including the teacher. Great job Emily, you just embarrassed yourself due to your uncontrollable crying. 

My heart started to beat faster, everything started to fade away and kept spinning. "Please calm down please." I keep saying but it keeps getting worse, I can barley breathe all I see is nothing but painful memories

"Don't tell anyone anything about this family, you will regret it if you do." "This all your fault you little brat, If I hadn't given birth to you then I would still be happy." My moms voice keeps repeating in my head. I don't wanna be here, I wanna get out! 

"Emily are you okay?" Betty was was able to snap me back to reality as she holds my hand, lots of classmates were behind me, looking worried. Some are even whispering about it. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2023 ⏰

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Amelia's and Emily's love story ( Y/n x Antagonist cheerleader)Where stories live. Discover now