Han Jisung ✧ Fly With Me

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An airplane. A miracle of technology that flies through the sky as swiftly as a bird, engines roaring as it becomes the sky-born cradle rocked by the winds far above. A machine that is able to transport the lives of many into worlds so different from their own, and yet so similar, as they watch the shrinking roads and houses begin to look like nothing more than colorful blobs next to one another. A contraption that Jisung had grown to hate.

It wasn't the airplane itself, no. The ability to travel around the world, touring and meeting fans, was something that Jisung would be forever thankful for. It wasn't the flight attendants either, who were always so kind in providing services and ensuring everyone was safe and satisfied.

Instead, it had been the passengers that had ruined airplanes for Jisung. Not just any passengers, however; just the ones that were assigned the seat next to his. He didn't know whether it was just pure bad luck or karma that had led him down a path of snorers and complainers. All he knows is that flights really tested the limits of patience.

As Jisung settled down in his seat beside the aisle, he was at least thankful that he was in a row with only two passenger seats. That would be one less person he'd be jinxed with, at least.

'Okay, carry on is in the overhead compartment. I have my laptop stowed away under my seat for later. Time to relax and enjoy the flight,'

He watched as people kept boarding the plane, stressed and impatient as they all struggled to put their bags in the proper places and quiet down screaming children. Realizing that it was probably going to be a full flight, Jisung quietly hoped that he'd get a better seatmate than he did last time.

Ah yes, last time. The time when the guy next to him fell asleep halfway through the flight and kept resting his head on Jisung's shoulder. Nothing quite says, 'yeah mom, I've had a wonderful flight' like someone snoring on him for two and a half hours while trying to keep drool from landing on his shirt.

'I swear, if I get another shoulder sleeper, I'm gonna-'

"Sorry, is the seat next to you 36B?" Jisung's thoughts were interrupted as he turned to look at you.

You definitely didn't seem like a threat.

"Huh? Oh, yeah, that's actually the seat next to me. The one by the window. Do you need some help getting your bag in the overhead?"

"Oh, I'm not sure. I don't want to cause you any trouble-"

"No, no it's no trouble at all, I really don't mind. Let me take care of that for you and you just make yourself comfortable."

He didn't know what had gotten into him. Maybe the excitement that you didn't seem all that bad? Or maybe it was just him convincing himself that if he had more control of this situation, nothing could go wrong. He placed your suitcase into the compartment and sat back down.

'They seem really nice. And they're actually reading the airline safety? I don't see that too often. I wonder if they like Americanos. Oh c'mon Jisung, people don't go on flights to make friends with their seatmates. Remember the lady who wanted to talk for the entire 5 hours of a flight? Couldn't get any sleep during that flight.'

By then, the passengers had boarded and the cabin crew had begun to explain what to do in case of emergencies. The pilot then came on and gave a small speech about the flight and what to expect. But Jisung barely paid attention to any of it, because he kept thinking about you.

The plane prepared for take-off, speeding up down the runway before it flew into the air, the hum of the engines indicating the smooth beginning of their travels. He watched as you pulled out a book from your bag, one that he didn't recognize.

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