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Mint whas walking completely emotionless, as she whas walking she bumped intro sombody , the person turned araund and to her unsurprisingly it whas girl whit purple eyes , the girl whit purple eyes said "watch where are you going!-" she stopped and said "oh sorry ,what is your name? Mine is Violet." Mint only stared at her and after five seconds she pointed at her eyes. Girl whit purple ayes said"Your ayes ? Is your name ey- off uff wait, is your name Mint?" Sha asked and Mint only nodded agein Violet asked "are you mute or you decided to not to talk?" She asked and Mint showed up two fingers that Violet quested that it whas the second one. Violet asked Mint holding her hand aut "do you want to be friends?" Whic Mint accepted her hand and nodded.Violet whas happy and huge Mint.That made Mint guard fall down and she whas surprised but huged back and smiled she whas on her tip toes since Violet whas
20 or 30 inches probably taller then her.Violet whas surprised that Mint smiled at her but happy that she unlocked her two emotions

Oh when will we met again?


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