What You Do When Thier Sad🤧

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😊Billy Boo☺️
- "Oh No Oh No Pennythot i swear if you did something wrong to my adorable baby boo"
- "Oh never mind he's crying bc his mom threw away a piece of his art"
- Cuddles fix everything when it comes to Billy boo
- A few cute tiny kisses around his face
- Had to hold him all night and make sure he was okay a million times
- Small little cute comments along your cuddling spree

🙃Stan Is Such A "Manly" Man😏
- "What the trickle frickle nickel mickel is wrong with Stanley"
- "Hey what's wrong StAnLeY "
- "Nothing just some stuff with my father"
- Kisses everywhere on his face bc he is a sad boi
- and some simple little make out sessions but they aren't sexual there mostly sweet if that makes any since

😎TrashMouth Hoezier😎
- "Who am i killing today HoEzIeR!!!"
- Probably is holding you back from hurting bowers
- He got beat up by bowers and is sad bc he was saying things about how you were going to leave Richie for him
- Wasn't true and now you had a bat in your hand
- ofc you stopped bc you wanted to comfort your baby
- Cuddles, Hugs, compliments, and make out sessions that are sweet
- He was sad sad so everything you did for him helped

😳Lil Wheeezyyyh🥺
- Baby boi should never be sad ever reason why his mom is still acting as if he's sick
- You give good ass cuddles so yep he asks for them
- Baby boi needs love and affection so you give it your all
- You don't ask what's wrong bc you know he won't tell until the next day
- "I Love You's" are a big yes in his sad book

- Now Bestie You Mad AF
- Bowers was hitting on her and harassing her
- Mad sure to give Bowers a good "Talking" too with a metal bat
- she noticed the next day the huge wound on his face and he didn't mess with her for a whole damn year
- Hugs and kisses are a big ass yes

🤧Baby boi Bennie🤭
- "Damn you Knockoff Patrick Swayze"
- Patric beat him up and burned his arm
- O H  Y O U  B E T T E R  R U N
- F U C K  Y O U  P A T R I C 
S W A Y E Z E  K N O C K O F F
- and yes you gave him cuddles and hugs for the poor hurt child
- you also fixed him up real well

😘Baddie Mikey🥰
- His grandfather was being an ass to him
- you ofc was giving your love and affection to this poor farm boi
- always makes sure he is okay with what you are doing before you do it
- he tells you what's wrong and how much he loves you which makes you happy but you always make him happier

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