chapter 1

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Lydia's POV:

Last night as I'd been sleeping my phone rang at the most ungodly hours. My eldest niece Alcina had a break in, apparently a group of mercenaries snuck in and abducted her prized Maiden. Foolish pests, really. Thinking they'd see the light of another day after pulling such a stunt.

Well I let them of course, just this once. How else was I to find their boss? Now here I am, untying Rotizen in some room in a cabin located in the middle of fucking nowhere, waiting for the mastermind to show up.

Honestly the things one does for family. I even left my precious life lines without a word! I'll need to make that up to them... Will sweets work?

The faint clicking of the door caught our attention; as the door slowly opened to reveal a young woman who looked to be in her late 20s.

I couldn't help but feel pity. 'So young.. How sad.'

She closed the door gently and practically eye-fucked me, grey eyes slowly trailing from my feet to my hair,  taking in every detail her gaze lingered on my face, seemingly memorizing every detail until her gaze fell onto Rotizen. I shivered slightly at how odd this was. 'Who the hell abducts a maid, let alone one employed by a countess with a murderous reputation?! On top of that, why did she look at me like that? I'm over seven centuries old and a mother of twenty damnit!'  I focused on her face for a moment as a faint smile tugged at my lips.

'She is an adorable little thing though- ah! No dumbass, she's the reason you aren't having breakfast with your precious babies right now! Pull yourself together Duchess.' I mentally scolded myself.

The woman's face crinkled in confusion. 'Oh how cute!' I forced down a squeal. "Which one of you is the maid?" She asked, eyes flicking between the two of us. Sighing, I help my niece's companion to her feet. The poor blonde was still quite - how did my children describe it? Shookith up. Not that I blame her..

"Now, now don't tell me this is how you treat your guests. Tell me dear, why go through all this hassle for a maid?" The woman's grey eyes seemed to soften slightly, gaze locked onto me.

"The 'maid' we've taken can't easily be replaced." She quipped, pride evident in her voice.

I smirked at this. "Ah, so this is for something like ransom, yes? Goodness! Money isn't something to die for, not at your age dear." I teased slowly walking closer to the Auburn haired woman. Her body visibly tensed as I got closer. Twirling my fingers, I rooted her feet in place. "Oh my.." Her eyes narrowed at me, burning with defiance, as I cupped her face within my hands gently. Locking eyes with my crimson, she solidified her fate, easily succumbing to my trance. Slumping over, grey eyes glazed over, and the poor fool was rendered immobile.

Turning towards Rotizen, I grin. "Don't you think the girls would love a gift?" I asked cheerfully. She merely grimaced and sighed, having finally calmed down. "The young ladies would undoubtedly love anything from you, Duchess." Gliding over, I clasp my hands around hers causing her to recoil. "You're such a gem, little mouse. Come, we needn't waste anymore time here." I chirp before skipping out of the room.

Nodding, Rotizen collected the rope and walked out of the room, dragging the young woman behind her.

Together we captured all the mercenaries within the cabin and tied them up. Everything went smoothly with the exception of Rotizen groaning about how all this could've been avoided. She's right of course. I could have reversed time and made sure this never happened; but where is the fun in that? Honestly, mortals nowadays have no sense of adventure.

"You know, little mouse, originally I was going to hand over the leader to Alcina. However I can't get the way she looked at me out of my mind~." I hummed dreamily whilst spinning around the main room. Rotizen gagged and shook her head. "Duchess, I care not what you do with her. I'd rather just return home." The blonde grumbled tiredly.

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