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I'm honor bound to thank Mr. "Mouad Jbili " for being the first person to introduce me to the game.

Thanks for Hdou, Abdo El Ghafour and Abd el Rezzak, for always letting me practice on the snooker table at my early levels for free.

Thanks for the two strangers whom I believe showed great sportsmanship by teaching me some basic tips of the game's technique when I first started which offered as a huge push to my quest for improvement that gratefully showed progress in my game.

Thanks to my dear friends in the sport "Abdorahmane" and "Yassine" for being these relentless individuals who I always look up to.

Thanks to all my friends whom I spent a great and fun time with around the table.

If I haven't met you all, if It wasn't for you. Simply, this book won't come into existence.

How I play snooker, and how snooker plays my life.Where stories live. Discover now