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Bobs pov
All this week I be havin diarrhea. I just woke up in a pool of watery shit. I just got up and left my poo there to harden. my insides of my buttcheeks burn because every time I wipe my buttcheeks get dry. so today I am going to the spa to get my buttcheeks moistened.

Amy's pov
I ran away, no one seemed to love me anymore. not even my bobby. I bet Paula's with him right now. slut.

Teddy's pov
So now the new Mac is out. Im tired of selling myself for Apple products. so I decided to write a letter to the apple company.
•teddy's letter•
dear mr apple,
I am tired of your shitty products being more pricey than my health care. so fuk u.
Sincerely, Teddy D.

a/n I'll write more later. I'm soooo sorry I haven't updated for like 3 decades. whoops lol....

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