A Friend Trip Vlog

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Y/N: Your Name

Katie starts to vlog and walks into everyone's room to wake them up. They are all going to Dominican Republic. She walks into the guest room, where Y/N was sleeping, but she also found Caleb there too. "Oh yeah, Caleb had a bad dream, cause Y/N texted me that he came in and fell asleep next to her."Katie said, doing a close up to Caleb's face. "Alright kids time to wake up!" Katie said, waking them up.  Caleb groans, because he doesn't wanna get up. He hides his face behind Y/N's back. "I know! Neither of these kids are morning people." Katie said.

   Fast forward to where they are heading to the airport. "Okay guys, so we're on our way to the airport! And me and Haley are wide awake where as some people are not." Annie says turning the camera toward Caleb and Y/N. "Aww! Don't you think they'd be a cute couple, Annie?" Haley asks. "Haley, stop!" Caleb said, tiredly.
"Alright we're here!" Billy says. "K! Here are the sitting arrangements, Haley and Annie, Me and Daddy, Billy, and Caleb and Y/N" Katie says. "Okay that sounds good, but before that can we get food?" Y/N asks. "Yes!!! I am starving, even though it's 3:00 in the morning!" Caleb said, over exaggerating. Katie takes out the camera again. "Okay so we are going to go get some food and two kids have finally woken up, because they're being all weird." Katie says pointing the camera to Caleb and Y/N. "Y/N keeps saying my cheeks look pinchable." Caleb says pointing at her. "She's not wrong!" Katie says. Caleb got offended and said, "What's that supposed to mean!" "That they're cute!" Y/N said, pinching his cheek. "Okay! We will see you guys when we get our food." Katie says.

"Okay so we got McDonalds cause it was the only place open at 3:30 a.m." Katie says to the camera. "Mom!! Y/N is stealing my food!!" Caleb says. "You we're doing the same thing to me!!" Y/N says. "Omg, you two are the dorkiest coup- I mean best friends!" Katie says laughing. "Mom!" Caleb screams. Everyone at the table sees Caleb turn beat red. "Omg! Look at Caleb's face!" Billy says laughing at him. "Ohh it's okay! Let's talk about something else." Y/N say, hugging Caleb.
"Okay guys we finally made it to the gate and they're about to board the plane in maybe 10 minutes." Haley says.
10 minutes go by
"Okay guys so we are just about to board me and Caleb." Y/N says. "Yayyy!!" Caleb says, quietly. Y/N turn off the camera. Katie gives everyone and camera so they can film what their flight was like.
Everyone finds their seats. Now Y/N was a little scared of flying, but she didn't show it. The plane started driving. Caleb looked at Y/N, "Hey are you okay?" Caleb ask. Y/N was lost in her bad thoughts. "Hmm, oh yeah.." Y/N says. The plane finally lifts off the ground and Y/N rests her body.
3 hours and 30 minutes later
"Okay guys we made it the Dominican Republic!!" Annie says. "Yeah! We are about to go to our room and then we are going to the pool!!" Hayley says, with lots of energy. Everyone gets to their room. "Alright, before we go to the pool, we have to figure out where we are sleeping." Katie says. "How 'bout us three girls sleep in one bed, you and Mr. Billy in the other bed and Caleb gets the pulled out couch?" Y/N suggest. "But, Mommy! What if I have a bad dream and I get to scared?" Caleb cries. "Caleb you'll be fine." Katie says, "and I like Y/N's idea. Alright now we got that figured out get your bathing suite on and let's head to the pool!!" Katie says. Everyone rushes to put on their swimming suits.

"Hayley told me to get the camera out, because she wanted to show the world a cool trick she learned." Katie says. "Go ahead, Hay!" Katie screams. Hayley does a cartwheel into the pool. Katie claps. "Whooo! Go Hayley!!" Katie says. Y/N going over to the pool about to go in, when Caleb come up from behind and picks her up and jumps in the water. "Oh my gosh! What just happened with Y/N and Caleb!?" Katie says laughing. They both come up from the water and start laughing. "Caleb!!" Y/N screams, splashing him. Caleb laughs. "I don't think you two are best friends." Annie yells to them. Katie laughs, "Annie!" Katie says.

Caleb LeBlanc scenariosWhere stories live. Discover now