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Theo jolted awake, cold sweat drenched his body. "It's just another dream." He mumbled to himself. As usual a bang came from the other side of his door. "Get up, Theo." Changed into a dark blue t-shirt and jeans, he opened the door. "Morning Theo!" Amelia's kind voice exclaimed. "Morning." Theo responded and proceeded down the hall to the "Meeting Room".

"Finally, he's here." Jack's voice announced.

"Some of us would like to sleep, ever think of that?" Theo grumbled as they sat down.

Jack was about to say something else but someone interrupted him first. "Oh shut up you two, this is important."

"That's what you say every time, Gwen." murmured Theo.

Gwen ignored him and began speaking. Not paying any attention, Theo's mind wandered back to the dream. Every night. Over and over again. And it never gets past traitor.

"THEO!" Yelled Gwen.


"Were you even listening?"


Gwen rolled her eyes. Jack smirked and Theo glared at him, which only made him smirk more.

He listened to the boss ramble on about what they need to be doing.

"Theo, I want you to go out there today."

"What?! Why me?"

"You can't avoid him forever. Meeting dismissed."

Jack wandered off to do whatever he does in a day, which Theo doesn't really know. "Gwen," She turned around. "I can't go back there."

"You have no choice, you are a spy. Your gear is already in your room along with a file, now go."

Theo sighed and walked to their room to figure out what he is supposed to be doing. He sat down and read through the file. They have to pose as Valentino's guard and get information about what The Collective is planning. He changed into the uniform and walked to the car that was supposed to bring him to the base. Jack slipped into the car with Theo.

"Please don't tell me you're coming too." Theo complained.

"Luckily, no," Theo glared at him. "But, I do have something to tell you."


"I know we don't get along but we come from the same place. Whatever you do, don't let Val figure out it's you. You're going to be doing this all week. If they find you it's the end for all of us."

"I know, Jack. Thanks." He got out of the car and went into the base.


They made their way to Valentino Stattford's office.

"Stop, who are you?"

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