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Axel walked towards them. "Hello Mr. Barlett." Theo glared at the man. "Mr. Hall." Axel pointed his sword at Theo's chest, he felt the tip of the blade pressing against his armor. "Lower your weapons or The Collective will attack."

"Go ahead. We aren't backing down." Gwen threatened.

Theo slowly drew his sword. Gwen nodded and The Kriegerin shot the first volley of arrows. Theo's sword clashed with Axel's sword. Theo pushed him backwards. Axel glared at Theo. "Still choosing the losing side, traitor." Theo stumbled backwards, Axel took his chance and knocked Theo to the ground. "Goodbye, Theo Barlett." He tried to back away and Axel brought his sword down. He waited for the sword to pierce his skin and his end to come, it never came. Two swords clattered. Theo got to his feet, seeing Valentino blocking Axel's sword.

"I got him, Theo. Help Jack, he needs it." Theo nods and cuts through The Collective's casualties, getting to Jack. He knocked the guards sword out of his hands and handed Jack his own sword. "You ok?" Theo asked. "Yeah, thank you. Let's go." Jack replies and goes right back into the battle.

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