02 cg!xiao regressor!upset venti

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xiao sees their regressor crying "hey whats wrong hun" Papa.. he looks up to his caregiver crying "aww dear did you had another nightmare?" he nods I miss him by him venti means nameless bard "Aww I know that hun" they kissed their little one and rubs his back in circles their regressor clings to them "papa whens cans i see him agains?" i'm not sure you can hun he frowns "it justs nwt fair!" i miss hims awot! hmph! "i know that hun do you want some cookies and some cuddles to make you feel better?" he nods "alright then" they turn on my little pony so their little one is entertained while they make some cookies *30 minutes later the cookies are done* they put on the oven mitts and get the cookies out of the oven :O Papa dey smells so gud "mhm let me blow them for you hun" *they blow on the cookies to cool them off so the cookies won't be too hot for their regressor" here you go hun they put the cookies on a plate for him :O yay! tanks yous papa I wuves ypu so much! *he giggles and eats them while continuing watching his show* "heh I'm glad you love it" *a few hours later* venti is tired out from exploring out "you tired little one?" mhms *he yawns* "Alright let's get you to bed" *they picked them out and carries him to bed with his stuffed dragon dvalin and cuddles him* he smiles I wube yous so much papa *they smiles at his cuteness* I love you too hun *they both fall asleep*

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