06 regressor!xiao cg!venti with cg!albedo regressor!kazuha

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Wakey wakey my little cecilia the younger ones yawns "guds mowings venven" they hugs their caregiver hehe let me take you somewhere hun they nod the older one packs a backpack full of agere gear he grabs the backpack and holds the younger one hand they start walking outside of mondstadt through windrise and! we're here sunshine! "pretty" mhm it really is I grab some random cecilias and start making a
cecilia crown I put the crown on their and smiled Do you like it princey? they nodded shyly he just smiles "i big ands stowng rawr" he says it

shyly aww! hun you're so adorable "r-rwlly? i ams?" he says shyly mhm of course you are hun you're my perfect lil prince tehe he kisses their forehead "cans I have stawbewwy milky nows?" mhm he grabs the sippy cup out of his backpack here you princey he just pats his head while they drink it while the younger one colours in their colouring book "papa" they tugged their caregiver's sleeve hm? what is it hun?
I gives dis to yous is dis gud?" woahh! this looks amazing princey I'll treasure it! the younger one shyly smiles I'm so proud of ypu hun you

always do great they ruffled their hair they nod "cans yous teach mes how to make flowers crowns" mhm let me grab some he gets some qingxin flowers and teaches xiao how to make flower crowns they younger one gasps :0 "so pwetty" they start making one by themselves "wook venven! i did its!" yeah  did it hun congrats it's even better because you made it "mhms! cans i put it on yous?" yeah of course
darling the younger one put the flower crown on their caregiver head "so pwetty" they smiled mhm you always do the best everything

let's pack up and go home now shall we? "mhm" their regressor hurries up and finishes their cup it's getting late anyway;it's evening now time skip cuz yes they pack up they ahead along back to mondstadt once they got home venti started to wash the dishes cuz dirty the younger one tugs on their caregiver sleeve hm? what is it honey "i wannas visit albedo cans we?" hmm sure he put the cleaned dishes and sippy cups away they went to albedo's house venti knocked on the door albedo opened the door "hello who isnit" it's me silly goose anyway

it seems like this little one wanted a play date with kazuha so is he around "hm yeah zuzu dear can you come down?" they come down yo albedo haihai i hewe "AWW kazuha you're so adorable ahh" the older bard said tanks yous venven they hugged him "xixi why don't you say hi to kazuha dear" the younger looked at the other one shyly ums his i's xiao they said shyly buts you cans call me xixi if yous wike the other one smiles I'm kazuha buts yous can call me zuzu! they said excitingly hehe the other one nods cans yous show mes your toys uh huh! the

red streak boy drags the adeptus to his playroom arent they cute the old bard said "yeah" meanwhile the adults were chatting about random adult stuff their regressors were busy playing and getting along "wook kazu! vroom!" note; they're playing with cars, trucks amd dinosaurs rawr! the streak boy said as the dinosaur figure destroyed some random building blocks into the city xixi ish cute! the other one smiled and looked at the adeptus the adeptus pouted "n-no! ams not cute!" they huffed whys not the red streak boy wondered "becauses umms" they

didnt had a comebacks "I just nots cute zuzu okays!" the red streaked boy just smiled buts i tink you awes I knows you too! the adeptus went out and hid behind their caregiver hm? what's the matter my little cecilia "zuzu ish teasing mes!" the blonde one huffed and pouted I dids not such ting! "are you sure kazu" yesh dada i calls dem cute but dey justs too shy to admit it! aww how cute the bard said "you guys can stay over if you would like and i think it's bedtime for these little ones" note; it's like 10pm hm sounds good to me I think xiao is getting

tired too the younger one angy pouted hmph! "nos sweep!" darling you need sleep so does your friend kazuha they pouted "I onlys if zuzu does" the red streaked boy looks thinks otays we cans sweep in my room ands have a stuffie sleepover the other one gasps :O "yaa let's have a stuffie sleepover!" the older one said excitedly look how adorable our little ones are ven mhm they're truly are the both put their little one to bed with a bedtime story tugged them in with a goodnight kiss goodnight little ones see you in the morning "nini" the regressors said to their caregivers they yawned and drifted off to sleep cuddling with their stuffies

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