CHAPTER 1: Encounter with a Gentleman

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"Detective Dumont on the phone." Said the man, rubbing his eyes. Face showing obvious tiredness and stress over work. He listened carefuly to the person on the other side of the phone, preparing his black pen and paper to be ready to scribble something important down. Mr. Dumont slammed the reciever to his table, rushing from his private office down the hall towards other cops that were dealing with bunch of more phonecalls. "Kyle, Andrew and Mia, with me. Now. One of the Gentleman's victims is alive." The trio sprinted through the front door and into one car. Making their way down the streets with sirens on. "My name is Philippe Dumont." Said the detective as he made his way towards the table. One lady was fiddling with her fingers, biting her nails as she looked all stressed at the detective. One leg bouncing up and down as she breathed fastly. "You can relax, ma'am. No one can hurt you here. You're safe in here." Woman shook her head in disagreement "No. I'm not safe here either. He will come. He will kill me. He will kill you and everyone in this FUCKING BUILDING!!" she raised her voice, slamming her fists onto the table. Detective sitting across from her flinched, looking behing through mirrored glass. His colleagues sighing, making eye contacts with each other. "Miss, you said you killed him. Or did you lied to us just so we will take you in?" Woman glanced at him with anger in her eyes burning, still biting her nails as she spoke "I did? I did. That's right... I killed that fucking bastard. Now he is going to haunt me my whole life..." after realizing what she had said, woman got up on her legs and took detective Dumont by his collar and raised him up on his feet yelling "You need to protect me! He will kill me if I go anywhere alone! Please! I can't do this! I can't..! I.." Dumont watched as woman sobbed, slowly putting him down as she rolled back down into her chair. Philippe took her by hand, giving her small soft smile as he made a promise. Something he obviously needed to do as it was part of his job. Something every cop and detective would do if they wanted some more information. "I promise to protect you." he said with his voice low, calming her down in an instant. She looked back at him, her eyes all red and watery "Y-you will..?" Dumont nodded. "But I need you to calm down and tell me everything you witnessed. Otherwise there will be no use of my protection if I don't know who I'm fighting against." Woman looked down into her arms that were still held by his, taking her time before answering "Okay..."

It started in a club where Alexia went every Friday with her friends after work. Every Friday was their Friday. And that club was almost owned by them. They spent so much time there that they practically were known amongst workers and other regulars. Partying, drinking, having fun and wasting time before heading home down the streets. Leaving Walter in good hands of her neighbor one apartment down. But, this Friday was different... Alexia broke up with her boyfriend by their friends' request. The two of them were together for three years and it was really a hard time for Alexia to adjust to the environment. Her friends comforted her as best as they could, for four days straight, and tried to convince her that she did the right thing when she listened to them saying she should break up with him. They told her he was too toxic and overprotective. Alexia stopped showing up to work, going outside or even answering her friends' calls. She just disconnected from the outside world. They were all worried. Even her boss at some point. Alexia was just stacking boxes in the warehouse of some shop not far away from her house. "Come on, Alexia! You haven't seen light of the day in a week now. Everyone is worried sick about you." her caring friend Anastasia groaned as she shook Alexia in her bed. It was 12pm and Al was still in bed. Her pillows were soaked wet from crying. "Listen, sweetie, you should at least go at night if you don't like sunlight anymore. Look, it's Friday and you know what we do every Friday, hm?" Alexia groaned, burrying her face in pillows, covering herself with blue silky blanket that was once shared with her, now ex, boyfriend. "Please! Just this once! And then you can continue to moarn other days and sob as much as you want! Just this once. Pretty pleaseee!!" Anastasia begged for her to go. What was she supposed to do? Decline her pleading? Night came and duo got all pretty and prepared to kill this party. As always they would meet in front of the club called Amsodeus' Lovers and wait few minutes before getting inside. Halfway into the partying, Alexia was just sitting there, drinking and griefing for getting out of her cozy room. Drowning her sorrows with drinks until one man aproached her. He was pretty cute, but odly familiar. Aside that, he seemed nice enough. He treated Alexia with drink called Love Potion. They chatted and had really good time. Suddenly, Alexia started feeling dizzy, making her way to the bathroom to let it all out. Splashing cold water on her warm face felt really good. After taking care of herself and cooling down, Alexia ran into that same guy. Now he was with other girls, dancing as they were all over him, touching him and laughing. They all seemed to enjoy their time together. Alexia found her friend Anastasia and told her she will be going home. Being worried, Anastasia asked "Want me to go with you, girl? You seem too drunk to even stand." Alexia however, shook her head and replied with simple "I'm fine." before heading through the front door. After freezing two minutes of walking, Alexia decided to cut her trip short and call a cab. Waiting for her cab to arrive, eyelids feeling too heavy before waking up in bed, still feeling like shit. Alexia groaned and rolled over to another side only to feel how this bed is much bigger than hers. She opened her eyes and sat upright in bed. Head spinning as she leaned forward onto her legs. "Here, drink some water." All Alexia could see was someone's hand offering a glass full of water. Feeling all fuzzy and messed up, Alexia thanked them and drank the whole glass. "C'mon, lay down and rest properly, okay? You will be okay. I'm here." All she could see was a blur. But it was definetelly someone she knew. Voice was familiar. So Alexia rested properly without any worry. She was sure she's gonna be fine with someone familiar. Probably Matt. He was one of close friends that she knew would take good care of her. Alexia woke up in the morning to a sunlight getting in the bedroom through big glass windows. Head still feeling heavy, but not as much as pain in her hips. Trying to sit upright, but being stopped with sharp pain as she hissed. What did she do to feel this pain? She couldn't think too much about that right now. All she wanted was to go home. Not being able to find her clothes anywhere in the bedroom, Alexia put some bedsheets around her and rushed downstairs to ask Matt. After getting down the stairs and calling out for Matt, she realized that every furniture was covered with plastic blankets of some sorts. Trying to rationalize this sight, she thought it was just because he was rearranging place. Alexia saw her stuff on the counter along with clothes, so she went to pick it all up. Matt was nowhere to be found, so Alexia just put her clothes on, took her purse and went through the front door. Or at least she thought she will. The door was locked. Alexia smiled nervously. This must be some kind of mistake, right? Maybe the door was jammed or something. It must be it. "Well, well, look who finally woke up." Alexia heard male voice say from behind her. There stood this muscular, yet so slim man with black undercut hairstyle, beautiful smile he showed froze her in place. She couldn't even feel safe anymore because this was definetely not Matt. "Good morning, sweetie." He said, putting the towel he used to dry his hair on the kitchen counter. Only few feet away from each other, Alexia asked before he could get any closer "Good morning? I'm sorry, sir, this must be some mistake, I-" he chuckled at her, shaking his head as he aproached Alexia, half naked. "Oh, no, darling. You were the one begging me to take you with me last night. You were so desperate I couldn't say no." Alexia smiled again all nervous, leaning against the locked door. "Well, then, thank you for letting me in, sir, I would appreciate if you would open this door for me? I will leave and you will never see me again. I promise." He smirked, already close enough for Alexia to feel his breath against her skin. Not even realizing how fast he approached. Their bodies touching, Alexia's chest rubbing against his. He held her by her elbows, swinging left and right. "But I don't want to forget you. Not after last night, at least." Alexia started feeling scared and confused. She could tell this was not good. "Last night..?" she asked as her voice cracked. He replied all happy and flirtatios "Yeah. We had some fun. You started all of it, actually. I just wanted to help you, but you were so fucking desperate I couldn't resist you." Her heart pounded so hard, giving her a feeling it was going to jump out of her chest. She couldn't get away with this big guy. Not even recalling seeing this man yesterday. Who is he actually? "I-I don't... I don't know you, sir.." She mumbled as her glance fell on his big chest. He chuckled while hodling Alexia closer. This gave her an idea why her hips hurted so much. "'Sir'? what's with all this formality, honey? You don't remember me? Is that it? Alchohol hit you in the head?" he laughed as if it was something funny. Alexia was petrified as he continued with his laughter. Just gave her another thing to classify him as a psychopath. "I'm Adam, remember? The guy who bought you drinks last night?" as it all started to sink in, pits and pieces were recollecting in her still intoxicated brain, trying to see full picture of last night's hookup. "Sorry, Adam, I really have to go home... it was nice knowing you and having 'fun' but I really gotta go." His face frowned within seconds. It was scary to say the least. He sighed, letting go of her hands before replying "Fine. You can go home." Alexia thanked him and speed walked out of that house of horror. She looked behind to see if he would do anything, not even realizing what was around her. Adam still stood there. Watching. As she turned, glancing to see where to go, she felt her heart sank once more. They were in the middle of nowhere. Clearing at one side and deep woods on the other. Standing in the middle of the garden, wondering what to do now, not even considering to come back and ask him to drive her home. For God's sake, he kidnapped and raped her, probably even drugged her so she wouldn't remember what he did last night. Breaths felt heavy, squeezing purse in her hands, trying not to panic. "What's wrong? Don't know where to head next?" he asked from the front poarch. Adam was putting on his black tight shirt that suited him with those dark blue jeans he wore. His hair almost completely dry. "No, no, I'm fine! I can find way home by myself." Alexia yelled back. She could hear him chuckle as she turned to look around once more. Where to go? Into the woods or through the clearing? What are her chances on either sides? "You sure you can do it yourself?" he asked again, leaning on the fence at the front poarch. Alexia sighed. If he tries something, maybe she will be able to run away, right? She is pretty good at running. Winning Olimpics four years in a row. Alexia was confident enough that she could do that. "Alright, fine. Just show me direction and I'll take my leave." He pointed to the woods on her left -his right- and she nodded thanking him before rushing in that direction. Alexia was full sprinting through forest, looking around if he is behind. To her surprise, he wasn't. Just as she started to relax, slowing down to walk forward, a gunshot could be heard from behind her. Alexia squeaked, starting to run again. Already feeling tired, but too scared to stop. Only adrenaline keeping her on her legs. Few more gunshots were fired and each one was getting closer. Clearing could be seen in front of her, only few feet away. Just as her smile appeared, it soon disappeared after receiving a bullet through her thigh. Alexia screamed in pain, falling down on the ground, hitting head on the rock before everything went black. She woke up in that same bedroom with hands tied to bed and a piece of cloth in her mouth. Adam entered the room with small tray. Not being able to see what he was carrying, his face was the thing revealing that he was disappointed in her. "Tsk, tsk, tsk... You should have known better, darling. I thought you were smarter than that. You disappointed me, sweetie..." he put on his fake sad face, lower lip put over his upper one, leaning towards Alexia with his arms on both of her sides, his face close to hers. "You should be happy I didn't leave you there. You hit your head pretty hard." He said, putting his hand on her forehead before she fliched and turned her face to the side. Adam smirked mischeviously "Feisty. I like that." He flirted, getting the cloth from her mouth off. Alexia spit onto his face, making him flinch shrinking his face. Instead of wiping it away, he licked his lip - the part of it she spilled at least - and smirked, getting on top of Alexia before leaning into a kiss. She tried fighing him off but no use. Adam was too big and heavy. She wasn't able to do anything. "C'mon, baby.~ It's unfair. Looking like that, you make a Gentleman stare." Alexia melted beneath him, her body going numb. That night was intimate to tell the truth. And Alexia enjoyed it too much for her good. He was not rough as he seemed he would be. Adam would tease, play with her and make her feel good. He did this until he felt Alexia was in his arms by her own will. When he saw she was the one wanting him, Adam knew his plan worked. He was something Alexia never had with her ex. Something adventurous in bed she craved for in those three years of relationship. In only two weeks, she was completely under Adam's control. After those long and adventurous two weeks, Adam untied her and let her walk freely in the bedroom. But she wasn't allowed to go to any other rooms without his permission. Unfortunately, he needed to finish some business, leaving Alexia locked in bedroom for days. Her body craving for Adam's attention. It was too hard for her to be without his touch. He ruined her in those two weeks. Becoming addicted. Becoming his little girl. "He called me such sweet pet names..."

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