Chapter 6. Kyle Duncan

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His father was an alchoholic and mother was a slut. What is there more to say than his childhood was painful and full of shit. Kyle barely finished his middle school and inrolled in good high school just because his father's brother was a good man and had connections. Kyle took that for granted, becoming a gangster and being friends with a group of 'bullies'. One of them was Jack Turner. Beside being badass bully in school, outside of it he was no one. His family was no more, he was all alone. no job, no money, no nothing. As he walked down the street one rainy night, he found himself in front of a brothel (house of prostitution). Becoming addicted to alchohol and finding good way to get money - by stealing it. In brothel called 'All or nothing' Kyle was pretty famous around guys who wanted and needed control. Soon, Kyle became a part of the prostitutes that worked there, giving his clients one hell of a time. To guys and girls. It didn't matter. He didn't care since he would be intoxicated enough to stay calm the whole night and, most importantly, get money. Clients would leave satisfied and payed him well enough. Kyle made big money there by doing dirty work. Some nights he would be crying himself to sleep when there was no clients to interrupt his days off. "It's okay to cry, Sunny." One of his male co-workers would comfort him. After which it would lead to some intense and intimate time to say the least. They both enjoyed it and did this on daily routine. They would smoke together after hours and talk about none related topics. Never about each other's pasts. It was something they did not talk about. Respecting each other's privacy was something that attracted Kyle to Jacob. However, it would change one night when Kyle didn't show up on work because he got too deep in dept that he was badly beaten up. Jacob rushed towards Kyle when he came back to brothel. "Where were you? What the hell happened?! Who did this to you? Are you okay?" Kyle was inundated with questions. One after another, after another, after another and then- "Will you just shut the fuck up!?!" Kyle yelled at Jacob, hitting him so hard that he fell to the couch and started badly shaking. "You think you care, but you don't. I don't care, so why should you?! What makes you think that we are that close, huh!?! We are nothing more than co-workers, Jacob. Barely even that anymore." Jacob sobbed as Kyle stood over him, his strong bruised hands on couch surrounding Jacob so he can't go anywhere. "Look at me while I'm talking to you, slut!" Kyle yelled once more at him, taking Jacob by his chin and putting his cheeks together. "We. Are. Nothing. Don't forget that." When he let go of him and stared at Jacob's fragile body on that couch trembling from his own actions, Kyle got turned on by this sight. His breath quickened as his eyes traced Jacob's body up and down. "Fuck..." he murmured to himself as he turned fully to face Jacob who knew exactly what was on Kyle's mind. He also knew that Kyle was intoxicated again. Kyle picked Jacob's small body up in his arms, stared him dead in the eye and kissed him agressively and pationately. Kyle pulled him by his hair, Jacob moaned. They kissed, they groaned. Suddenly, Kyle stops and takes Jacob by his chin, whispering him in ear "Let me forget everything... please..." Jacob was caught off guard by his pleads, but did as asked- forgeting everything that happened throughout their life. Next day, Kyle took Jacob with him to tattoo studio. "What are we doing here, Kyle?" Kyle chuckled, taking his shirt off "I'm gonna tattoo your name on my chest." Jacob's eyes widened, showing happiness on his face as he jumped to kiss his lover "I love you, Sunny." Jacob whispered and Kyle replied "I love you too, Bun-bun." Their happiness wouldn't last long. Police was called as soon as one passerby recognized Kyle's face as a thief that was lurking around the blocks. "Kyle Duncan. You're under arrested for theft and interference with possession." Kyle didn't struggle as they handcuffed him. "Stay safe, Jay. Don't let that bastard of boss order you 'round, 'kay? I'll get back to you as soon as possible, baby." Jacob sobbed begging police to let him go as they carried him into the backseat of their car.

"You know why you're here, don't you, Kyle?" woman asked him in the interrogation room. Kyle didn't look up, he just nodded while fiddling with the ring he had with him. Woman noticed it and tried starting somewhat light conversation. "Was that meant for your lucky girlfriend?" Kyle glanced at her with ire in his eyes. He hissed at her "None of ya business." She sighed, leaning back into the chair. "Okay, then. Let's start from the beginning. My name is Marina. You are here for one reason, Kyle. And you know it too well. Now, I need to ask you. will you cooperate with me so we can finish with this so you can go back to your boyfriend?" Kyle looked at her with surprised expression. She smiled "Gotcha." He sighed and agreed to cooperate.

After getting back to brothel, Kyle saw Jacob's dead body lying in the middle of his room. Everything was a mess. His body was full of bruises and cuts. Jacob was obviously struggling for his life and Kyle wasn't there to save him. He yelled and screamed, holding his cold and lifeless body in his hands. Kyle made a phone call to police department "Marina on the phone." She answered and her smile disappeared as soon as she heard what happened. They arrested the boss of the brothel that soon after closed and after few years opened as a strip club keeping the name 'All or nothing'. Kyle turned away from that life since he couldn't stand people that treated prostitutes like they were something filthy. Throwing them around like they are nothing. Worthless. Kyle didn't want to be that. He got out from his debts, kept the ring and carried it with him everywhere he went as a necklace. Kyle joined the police academy and training where he met Andrew and Mia. Despite his stubborness, he gave in to their friendship. After hearing Marina died, he was devastated. Kyle was changing his mind of wether to go to her funeral and be in the back rows or stay at home. That was his last funeral he went on. Carrying this big dread of guilt how it was all his fault that Jacob is not here with him while drowning his sorrows with lots of alcohol.

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