chapter 5

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Jordan's P.O.V

My first date with Isaac this is going to be so amazing we walk to the car he get's into the driver seat I sigh and climb in the passenger seat we drive to the park a picnic aw how sweet I sit down on the prepared blanket this is going to be amazing nothing can go wrong ( or could it *snicker*)

Isaac's P.O.V

this is going to be bad already I can feel Maxwell really now that jerk Jordan is right in front of me this is going to end badly well he is taking over quickly literally he waist no time the green kind of gas thing I don't know what it is but it's getting more visible

Jordan's P.O.V

Isaac is acting weird and he has this green gas thing wait no not Maxwell now of all the time he picks now I think Maxwell is fully in control now because he started to give a deep chuckle and said "got anything on you" I gulped and shook my head he frowned well that's a shame I was hoping for some cash now I won't be able to get any


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