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HAPPY BELATED HALLOWEEN!!! Here's the Halloween chapter sorry it's late, and yes I did use zombies again for a story... don't judge me I just find them really upsetting and scary....

Warning: this chapter briefly addresses emotional abuse
Bridgette POV
I buried my head in my arms and sniffled as I stared at the hateful screen in front of me. I was sitting at the desk in my room reading comments online about me and my new partner Chat D'ombre.
"He's so inexperienced! Chat Noir should never have left! Shadowmoth has basically already won!"
"She's a sentimonster! She's probably being controlled!What the hell was Ladybug thinking?! Ridiculous, utterly ridiculous!"
"If our fates rest in the hands of an inexperienced child and a sentimonster I'm moving! Paris is doomed anyway!"
The screen blurred as tears filled my eyes. What did I do wrong? I'm just trying to do my best..... I thought as I sniffled pitifully. I could practically hear the hateful comments pouring out of the screen. I sobbed into my arms as Luuck attempted to comfort me until I heard a click as someone closed my laptop.
"Get up sister we're going somewhere." Kagami said in a stern, rage filled voice that I had come to learn meant trouble for whoever was making those comments.
"Thank god those forums are anonymous, otherwise we might have to provide an alibi." Luuck said and I chuckled slightly. I followed Kagami closely as we came to a large mural on one of the walls. The mural was of a green winged serpent entwined with a Japanese dragon with different colored ladybugs in the corners of the frame. Kagami pressed the Ladybugs in a weirdly specific order and the mural slid upwards in the frame revealing a beautiful victorian elevator.
"After you sister." Kagami said with the start of a wry smile. I stepped in and looked around at it in wonderment. Kagami hit the down button and I watched the walls of the house slide down in front of me.
"What is all this?" I asked and Kagami shot me a smirk.
"This is the old elevator that we had the contractors build around when we were making the renovations to the building before moving in," She said before the elevator stopped and the door opened and we stepped out into a cavernous room. "And this is The Nest." She added gesturing broadly. Luuck and I stared at the space around us in awe. It was well lit and the walls were lined with different kinds of gear, weapons, and technology. There were a pair of lockers, one with the symbol of a green winged serpent with its tail tucked under its head in a circle while the other one had a symbol that looked like a pale blue ladybug. I approached the second locker and ran my hand down the ladybug symbol.
"Is.... This ours?" I asked as I opened the locker to reveal a slew of gear: flashbangs, trackers, laser pointers(no idea how that could be useful but I'll figure something out), smokebombs, and something labeled "comm. badge". Mother's voice appeared from behind my left shoulder and I jumped as I was startled out of my trance.
"Yes Bridgette, I decided to expand The Nest's inventory to include you and Luuck. I couldn't be more proud of the fact that both of my daughters are superheroes." She said smiling at the two of us. I felt a swell of pride before feeling realization hit me like ice water. I zipped over to Kagami and grabbed her by the shoulders.
"WAIT! BOTH OF US?! I THOUGHT YOU COULDN'T GET A MIRACULOUS AGAIN AFTER THE LAST TIME!" I shouted excitedly jumping up and down. Kagami chuckled and placed her hands on my shoulders to stop my bouncing and shook her head.
"I'm not using a miraculous, I'm just using technology, we've been working on the Quetzalcoatl suit and weapons training for the past year since the Ikari Gozen incident. Mother and I agreed that I should try to continue helping Ladybug and Chat Noir, we were planning on taking more time to prepare but since they've retired and passed the reins we figured that it would be more productive to you and your partner I was able to convince mother that it would be more productive if we all learned how to be heroes together." She explained giving me a bashful smile. My grin widened almost comically and I tackled my sister into a hug.
"THIS IS SO OUTRAGEOUS!!!!!" I exclaimed bouncing back to my locker and rifled through it.
"Well this certainly seems to have lifted your spirits Little Bridge." Luuck said with a chuckle. I just grinned giddily in response as I fiddled with a smoke bomb. A sudden clap from behind us made me jump though and I hastily returned it to its post in the locker.
"That's enough playing girls, it's time you get to school." Mother said with a stern expression, but with Luuck's help I faintly noticed that her lips were slightly quirked upwards in a small smile. On the way to the car Kagami patted my shoulder and said, "The drive to school will be a good time for us to talk about your overuse of 80's slang..."

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