Team Building

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Sorry for how long this took me to write!
Bridgette POV
I sat in silence on the top of the Arc de Triomphe as my two newest teammates, my best friend and my sister, argued with each other violently about how we should divide the city for patrol.
"I have studied COUNTLESS maps of the city since Hawkmoth's attacks began, it only makes sense that I should take the largest section of the city." Quetzalcoatl said vehemently earning a scoff from Chat D'ombre who immediately rebuts with, "Perhaps, but I have been one of the two people actually patrolling the city after Chat Noir and Ladybug stepped down! Which not only gives me a more intimate knowledge of the city but seniority in this team, which frankly speaking makes me your superior!" My eye began to twitch as I became increasingly frustrated with their bickering. Kagami is usually so in control! The only times I've seen her get like this is when she's interacting with Felix! I thought in exasperation.
"Not to mention the fact that your 'petite ombré' seems to be acting equally out of character." Luuck said in a slightly teasing tone.
"That's not going away any time soon is it?" I thought to him earning an amused feeling in response. I rolled my eyes and stood up suddenly, startling my teammates.
"OKAY THAT'S ENOUGH!" I exclaimed earning a shocked look from Chat and, despite not being able to see my sister's face, judging from her suddenly frozen posture Quetzalcoatl as well.
"You two have been arguing about this for almost an hour, and that's just today and I'm sick and tired of it. I think it might be better if we add another person to the team so that we have someone to keep the peace, because god knows I can't do it." I said pinching the bridge of my nose.
"What do you mean you can't keep the peace? I mean isn't that what you are doing right now?" Quetzalcoatl asked and I shot her a scathing glare.
"No that is not what I'm doing right now, what I'm doing right now is physically suppressing the urge to use my 'lucky charm' to summon a non lethal weapon to knock some sense into both of you so I get a moment of peace and quiet! When I say that we need someone to keep the peace between the group that includes me." I raved causing both of my teammates to exchange a concerned look and visibly gulp. I sat back down and added, "Besides, if we were to add a fourth person we could have a much easier time with patrol by separating the city into quarters instead of thirds." Chat D'ombre sat down hesitantly along with Quetzalcoatl.
"That... sounds reasonable..." He said his voice holding hints of nervousness and awe at my outburst.
"Yes... I agree..." Quetzalcoatl said, at this point just sounding tired and scared as she was used to my outbursts at this point in our relationship.
"Great! I think it might be better to have someone who isn't actually working in the field like us, someone who can keep an eye on the situation without having the adrenaline of the moment impacting their decision making." I said with a serious but significantly more upbeat tone. There was a pause as they considered my suggestion.
"That does sound like a good idea but how would they help with patrol if they aren't in the field?" Chat asked frowning. I beamed excitedly before responding.
"That's the best part! They can do it looking like a civilian so no one knows that they are a part of the team!" I exclaimed earning surprised blinks from my teammates. I waited excitedly as they worked through my plan. After about a minute of thinking they exchanged nods with myself and each other.
"Okay well who should we conscript into this role my heart? Personally I'd like to nominate Alan Thénardier, from what I've heard that young man is both good at keeping the peace and monitoring things." Chat D'ombre said thoughtfully. I noticed Quetzalcoatl's posture stiffen slightly at the suggestion and made a mental note with Luuck to interrogate her when we got home.
"While those are admirable traits I think he might be too inexperienced and possibly anxious at the prospect of working with us, I posit instead that we bring someone with more connections and experience keeping calm under pressure into the fold, Tomoe Tsurugi. She has more connections, being a wealthy woman and having moved around as much as she has I'm sure she's able to keep things under control quite well." She suggested and I admittedly resisted the urge to chuckle at the idea of mother scolding my teammates for bickering. They turned to look at me expectantly and I took a deep breath before leaning forward.
"Those are both really good ideas but I have a nomination of my own." I said smiling at them.
"I nominate Marinette Dupain-Cheng!" I exclaimed with a grin earning a sputtering sound from under Quetzalcoatl's helmet that I could only imagine was probably choking and a series of spluttered arguments from Chat D'ombre whose odd, humanoid/feline eyes widened significantly as his tail lashed about so violently that I thought it would come off. I chuckled and held up my hands.
"Okay, okay hear me out. Marinette's class is the epicenter of at least 80% of all the Akuma attacks, most being caused by Chloe Bourgeois who is a member of the class, so Marinette could alert us to any prospective Akumas before even Shadowmoth knows one is coming allowing us to cancel out any prospective attacks preemptively. Plus she has connections with multiple, very powerful people in the community because her parents' bakery is popular among the upper class, and she's a civilian who no one would suspect. Not to mention, she's friends with that Ladyblogger girl so she maybe she could even convince her to give us some actually positive representation on her blog instead of just hating on us, and if that doesn't work she can at least give us some warning before the Ladyblogger posts and maybe lessen the sting a little." I explain, trying to defend my choice. There was a long moment of silence while my teammates considered. Quetzalcoatl crossed her arms in front and stared down at a spot on the roof while Chat D'ombre crossed his behind him and began to pace slightly his eyes narrowed and his tail flicking around behind him and his ears twitching under his hood in a way that I recognized as his 'thinking twitch'. I sat down crosslegged with an expectant smile on my face as I watched them considering the options.

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⏰ Última actualización: Nov 28, 2023 ⏰

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