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I went to grab the mail from our mailbox and saw a dirt mound by the box. I stand on the dirt to reach the mail. It takes me a while to grab the mail but I finally get it all and close the little door.

I step off of the dirt mound and see ants. The little red creatures swarm out of the dirt mound and seem angry. I turn to run back into my house.

Pain flares on my upper thighs and butt. I scream in pain. My skin feels like it is on fire and I am in too much pain to think.

My mom storms outside angry but I am in too much pain. She grabs my arm and hisses at me to stop screaming. She doesn't want me to "wake up my brother".

I bite my tongue but I can't help but let out muffled screams. My mother rolls her eyes and asks where the pain is. I tell her.

My mother lifts up my skirt and notices the fire ant covering my thighs and butt. She drags me by my arm to the bathroom and tosses me into the shower.

She begins to wash off the fire ants and the pain is slowly leaving my body. I can see the little fire demons dying around my feet and a small grin appears on my face.

I haven't worn a skirt since and only wear dresses when necessary. When I do wear dresses now, I have to have shorts under them.

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