Prologue: New Beginnings and First Cousins

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Picture of Ella (Sasha Pieterse) at the top.

"Ella!" My cousin Blaze yells as soon as I step off the terminal and into Raleigh, North Carolina.

"Hey, Blaze!" I reply, "Where is your mom?"

"She got called into work so she sent me to get you." Blaze explains, as we walk over to baggage claim.

"How many more days until school starts here?"

"Eager to get back to the books?" She jokes, "Ten more, by the way. Do you remember at the beginning of summer how I asked you for the cheerleading tryout video?"

"Yes, why?" I answer.

"Ariel, my best friend and the cheerleading captain, wanted to see what skills you had and because tryouts were about three weeks ago, I showed her the video again and she wants to know if you will join the team and become co-captain." Blaze explains.

"I would love too, but shouldn't someone that's been on the team longer than me be co-captain?" I ask, grabbing my bags and head towards the doors.

"All of the girls agreed that with your experience level and skills that it should be you."

"Alright then. I need to learn who everyone is, though." I state.

"There is a party tomorrow night and we are going. No arguing." She exclaims as she starts the car.

"Blaze, I thought you knew me better that that," I pout, "I would never turn down a party."

"Sorry Ella. I guess I forgot who I was talking too." She jokes.


Authors Note: Thank you all for reading my new book! I am very excited to start Strangers! I have some very amazing things planned for this book! I hope everyone can be patient and understanding with the journey to finishing Strangers!

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