Chapter 1: Normal Day

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Alvin: (Quoting] "Whenever you try a Mission, you'll do it. Whenever you fail, you fail. And even if you do, you can just try again. But hopefully, this WILL go right."

(Alvin suddenly wakes up)

Alvin: AHH!

(He gets out of bed and slips on the couch)

(The scene cuts to Simon walking to the room until he sees Alvin)

Simon: Alvin. What's wrong? You look like you had a bad dream or something.

Alvin: Where's Theodore?

Simon: He's in the living room, Why?

Alvin: It's just..i need to talk to him.

Simon: Oh, okay. Go ahead.

Alvin: Thanks Si.

(Alvin standing in hall thinking)

Alvin: [Voiceover] What am i supposed to say to him? After what happened with the Mission? Uhh who knows. i'll just talk to him.

Scene cuts to Theodore and Alvin.

Alvin: Hey Theodore.

Theodore: Hi Alvin.

Alvin: Theo when you said "Life isn't all about fail" it really means so much after what happened with the mission. So Thank you.

Theodore: Aww..

Alvin: Anyway the sun is outside so let's go look.

Theodore: Ok. [Voiceover] "Life isn't all about fail".

Scene cuts to Blue sky

[Theodore looking at the sky]

Theodore: It's Beautiful out there.

Simon: I have to be honest Theodore Sunsets are more beautiful. Benjamin Griffiths has got lovely photos of it

Theodore: Except the ones that blocking the sun which is annoying. i bet it's wrong.

Alvin: I want to look at the photos.

[Chipmunks Enter Ben's Room and look on his Computer with Sun photos]

[Simon: Okay let's have a look at the sunset pictures.

Theodore: Ok.

Simon: The first image we're seeing is...

[1st Picture comes up]

Alvin: Helloooo Gorgeous!

Theodore: Wow that's a great photo!

Simon: Very Pretty. Okay what am i seeing now?

[2nd Picture comes up]

Alvin: Gosh it's awesome!

Theodore: Sure is Alvin!

Simon: And the next one is...

[3rd Picture comes up]

Alvin: Alright that is much more beautiful than the other one

Simon: Hmm Indeed. Okay, the last one is coming up.

[4th and Last picture shows up]

Alvin: Holy nuts.

Simon: That's the second best Sunset Photo i've ever seen.

Theodore: Yeah.

Simon: Okay, now that we've seen all the photos of the sunsets, what did you think of them Alvin?

Alvin: I think they're pretty beautiful. i just wish 1 day we'll see one.

Simon: We will.

Theodore: Yep.

Alvin: Okay guys, i got something i want to say.

Simon and Theodore: Ok?

Alvin: I'm gonna say this once, and only once: I'm not deleting Alvin Gets Grounded Videos!

Simon and Theodore: Right!

Alvin: And i'm not deleting all of Ben's Videos! [Laptop Force Pushs Alvin Again]

Alvin: AAHH!!

Simon and Theodore: ALVIN!!

Alvin: Ouch!

Theodore: Are you okay?!

Alvin: Yes i'm fine..(Grunts) Aww..what did i say?

Simon: I think you've might have oversaid it.

Alvin: (Sighs) Yeah..i think you're right.

(Next scene cuts to raining outside with puddles and it cuts to Simon and Alvin)

Simon: Alvin, can i speak to you for a moment?

Alvin: Sure.

Simon: How would you feel about a new mission?

Alvin: (Long Pause) (Voiceover) "If you're gonna say it, just say it. it's now or never." I can't. (Turns Around)

Simon: Why not?

Alvin: I can't go back on Missions, Simon. I just want to have a normal day. It's time for the end.

Simon: (Shocked) Why? You've forgiven me since the last mission. If i was wrong, we deserve to know why. We all do.

(Alvin says nothing and walks away and Scene cuts to Simon and Theodore)

Theodore: Hmm, that does present a new problem.

Simon: Yeah, i tried to talk to him and he disagreed of doing another mission.

Theodore: Maybe i should talk to Alvin.

Simon: You sure?

Theodore: Hey, i talked some sense into him getting over failure. Remember?

Simon: Ok. Well good luck to you Theodore, i'm gonna get some rest.

Theodore: See ya.

Simon: Theodore? "As long as we got each other, we're alright."

(Theodore cheerfully nods and he goes to see Alvin)

(Theodore approaches to Ben's door, finds Alvin sitting on the couch, Theodore climbs up and Alvin looks at him)

Alvin: (Sighs) Come on, Theodore. If you've got something to say, just say it.

Theodore: Are you okay..?

Alvin: Yeah, of course i'm okay. What more could i ask for?

Theodore: It's know what Simon said to me that you're never going back on missions.

Alvin: I have my reasons, Theodore.

Theodore: You already failed one mission, Why can't you just try again for one more?

Alvin: (Sighs) Theodore. I wish you can understand this right now, but i'm not going back on missions. Nothing can make me change my mind.

Theodore: Maybe THIS will change your mind. (Shows footage of ALVIN'S MISSION THE AFTERMATH)

Alvin: (On TV) Simon, about what happened..

Simon: (On TV) Don't worry it's dealt with count on it. As long as we got each other, we're alright.

Alvin: (He looks at Theodore) That was a cheap move.

Theodore: (Nervous Chuckles) So what do you say, Alvin?

(Alvin deeply sighs and gives a sad look at Theodore The next scene cuts to Simon sleeping until he wakes up when Alvin comes in to give Simon the agreement)

Alvin: Tomorrow, i'm gonna do it. One more. I will go back on a mission, and that's why we got each other. (Alvin exits the room)

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